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Glancing over at Adrian, I see his eyes closed, a look of utter peace on his face. It’s a side of him I rarely see—the relentless businessman replaced by a man in complete relaxation.

The massage leaves us both in a state of blissful lethargy, muscles loose and minds cleared. “Ready for the next part?” Adrian whispers, his voice low and inviting as we’re guided toward the sauna.

Stepping into the sauna, the heat envelops us immediately, a stark contrast to the coolness of the massage room. Adrian and I choose spots on the wooden benches, the warmth seeping deep into our bones.

The sauna, with its cedar scent and gentle hiss of steam, feels like another world entirely.

Adrian, wrapped in a towel, exudes an ease and confidence that’s magnetic. The heat amplifies the contours of his muscles, and I can’t help but steal glances, feeling a surge of desire that’s as intense as the sauna’s heat.

“We should do this more often,” I murmur, the warmth making me bold.

Adrian chuckles, a sound that resonates warmly in the confined space.

“I’m all for that,” he agrees, his eyes meeting mine. In the dim light, they’re dark and unreadable, but there’s a spark there that sends my heart racing.

As the minutes pass, the air thick with steam and unspoken tension, I find myself moving closer to Adrian. It’s as if the sauna has melted away the last of my inhibitions, drawing me into his orbit.

He opens his arms, an invitation I eagerly accept, settling against his chest. His heart beats steady and strong beneath my ear, a reassuring rhythm in the quiet of the sauna.

Wrapped in the cocoon of warmth and his embrace, I feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and contentment.

“Emma,” Adrian whispers, his breath warm against my hair, “I’m glad we’re here together.”

“So am I,” I reply, the words muffled against his skin. In this moment, with the blend of heat, relaxation, and the undeniable connection between us, I feel a profound sense of belonging.

We remain like that, entwined in the sauna’s embrace, until the heat becomes too much. Stepping out into the cooler air of the spa, our hands find each other instinctively, fingers entwining.

The sun is just beginning to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange. The beauty of the moment feels almost surreal, a perfect backdrop to our growing connection.

We find a secluded spot, a piece of driftwood providing a natural seat, and we sit down, facing the ocean. The sound of the waves lapping gently at the shore is a soothing soundtrack to our conversation.

Adrian takes a deep breath before he starts, “Being here with you, it’s opened up a part of me I didn’t know was there. I want to explore that more, explore us. Tell me about you. What do you want out of life?”

His honesty ignites a warmth in my heart, and I find myself sharing my own dreams and fears, things I’ve kept locked away.

“I’ve always wanted to create something of my own, you know? Be my own boss, make my mark on the world. But I’ve been scared, unsure if I could really do it. I guess that’s why I took the job instead of trying to do this project on my own.”

Adrian’s hand finds mine, his grip reassuring. “Emma, if there’s one thing I’ve seen in you, it’s strength. You have this incredible ability to adapt, to overcome. I have no doubt you’ll achieve whatever you set your mind to. You hungry?”


We stand up, brushing the sand off before heading further along the beach, the sound of the ocean a constant companion.

As we round a corner, we come across a small outdoor restaurant nestled among the greenery.

While I’m admiring the view, I notice a resort staff member approaching, carrying a tray of beverages. There’s a slight tremor in his hands, and as he gets closer, I see a flash of fear cross his face when his eyes meet Adrian’s.

Adrian, seemingly oblivious to the man’s discomfort, greets him warmly, thanking him for the quick service. But the staff member can’t seem to get away fast enough, his departure hasty and almost panicked.

The interaction leaves a cold knot in my stomach. “Adrian, did you see that?” I ask once the staff member is out of earshot. “He seemed really scared of you.”

Adrian’s expression shifts subtly, the easy demeanor giving way to something more guarded. “He’s just new here, probably still getting used to dealing with guests,” he answers, but there’s a hint of something unspoken in his tone.

I’m not convinced, but I don’t push it. Instead, I sip my coffee. “Adrian,” I start, choosing my words carefully, “there’s so much about your world I’m still learning. Sometimes, it scares me—the power you hold, the fear you command. Did he know you?”

“I told you, I’ve never met him before.” He reaches across the table, taking my hand in his. “Emma, I never want you to fear me.

“My world, it’s complicated, filled with responsibilities and expectations that sometimes require... a firm hand. But with you, I only ever want to be the man who makes you feel safe, cherished.”
