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She gives me a wink. “And why not tell him you’re up for getting that V-card of yours torn up while you’re at it?”



“I fucked up,” I say.

Matteo looks up at me from the end of the boardroom, his feet up on the table. “Let me guess, you thought the place was empty.”

“I wanted to get out of sight in case the son of a bitch had back up.”

“Who, Luca?” He points at the blood on my shirt. “Tell me you finally killed the bastard.”

“Luca didn’t show.”

“So whose blood is that?”

I sink into a chair, rubbing the tension headache building behind my temples. “Giuseppe Verdi.”

He’s swigging from his hipflask when I answer. At the mention of Verdi’s name, he chokes, coughing hard. “Are you telling me Luca sent Giuseppe instead of coming to the meet like he promised?”

I nod, saying nothing.

“Your cousin broke his promise? Not only that, but he sent a hitman to kill you? Why the fuck would he do that?”

“Executor made it clear when he read out the Will. First one to get an heir inherits the lot.”

He cracks his knuckles. “So he just has to get that wife of his knocked up. Why try to kill you?”

“Rumor is nothing’s happening in the bedroom. Either he’s infertile or she is.”

Matteo nods. “I get it. He kills you, he gets the lot and it doesn’t matter if she gets knocked up or not.” He frowns. “You know, I still don’t get why your father would include that fucker in the Will. I thought he hated the little weasel.”

I loosen my tie. “He did but he also hated the fact he had no grandkids. Put me up against Luca, and thought it’d get me off my ass and into a marriage. Get myself an heir.” I look across at him, my voice turning colder. “We have a bigger problem right now.”

“The woman?”

“She often works late but she’s usually gone by ten. It’s my own fault for not checking the logs before I came in. She saw the blood on me. She might ask questions.”

“You want me to kill her?”

“You hurt a hair on her head and I’ll break your fucking neck, Matteo.”

“How was I supposed to know she meant something to you?”

I point at him. “She’s seen things. I need an heir. Do the math.”

“You want a kid with her? She looked about twenty.”

“So fucking what? She becomes my wife, she can’t testify against me if the truth comes out. I get cooperation, and silence in one fell swoop. Plus, an heir. Prevent Luca from inheriting my father’s money. You know what that bastard’s like.”

“You could kill Luca.” He gets to his feet slowly. “Think about it. He sent a hitman after you. Why not take him out? Return the favor.”

“You find where he’s hiding and be my guest. Until I see his body for myself, I’m sticking with this plan.”

He grins like he’s worked something out. “I get it.”

“What?” I ask. “What are you looking at me like that for?”
