Page 6 of Bought at Auction

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Aiden pushed his apartment door open, mentally shaking off yet another need rising within—as if full-throttle desire wasn’t enough!

He was thirty-four years old, hardly ancient and in need of a family. Yet a part of him craved what his parents had once had—correction—what he’d thought they’d had. A loving and happy marriage, a mom and dad devoted to their children.

His mom and dad had been great parents, but it’d turned out they hadn’t been quite so happily married. Not if his dad’s affair was anything to go by. Of course Aiden hadn’t known about that until just recently, after Galan had spilled the secret he’d been burdened with for so many years.

A sister, one they now all adored, and yet he still found it hard to fully accept Sienna in his life, fully accept that his parents had had issues.

“Is something wrong?”

He blinked, his introspections fading away even as he realized he hadn’t moved past the doorway. He looked into Luna’s gorgeous eyes. She’d brought out a side in him that he’d thought was lost forever. He shook his head. “Sorry. I’m not exactly the white knight you were hoping for.”

“Oh, I’m not hoping for any white knight.” It was a kick in the guts to read in her face that she’d lost that expectation in him a long time ago. “What I am hoping for is a night I won’t soon forget.”

Chapter Four

Aiden’s dick jerked right on command, while the gentlemanly side of his youth kicked in even stronger. He set her down on her feet, this time trying not to notice her long legs, taut stomach and generous breasts. Then he breathed in her gorgeous scent. Mm. Honeysuckle ambrosia.

She looked up at him, and though in her skyscraper heels she still wasn’t anywhere near his height, her curves fit perfectly against his body. He swallowed hard. She was so sweetly feminine it was all he could do not to crush her against him.

Her eyes looked overly bright in her flushed face. “Kiss me,” she said softly. “I want to remember what your lips feel like on mine.”

He didn’t have any further willpower to deny her. Hell, he didn’t want to deny her—to deny himself! He clasped her face and he swooped low, his mouth capturing her lips in a long, drawn out kiss he didn’t ever want to end.

Kissing her was exactly what he remembered and more. Her lips were soft, sensuous, and opened to him in an invitation he couldn’t resist. He dipped his tongue inside, tasting her sweeter-than-honey depths and barely withholding a moan.

He drew back, his breathing matching hers. He outlined her lower lip with his thumb and said throatily, “I need you in my bed.”

She blinked, her eyes then heavy-lidded. “And I need to be in your bed.”

His heart skipped a beat. There was no pretense, no game playing, there never had been with Luna. There were also no more words needed to be said when he took her hand and drew her inside. With his entire body screaming with desire, he probably couldn’t have spoken anyway.

Luna wasn’t just some one night stand. She was his childhood friend and high school sweetheart. She was also the first and only woman he’d ever loved.

He sensed her gawping at his apartment. At his simply designed kitchen with its barely used appliances—why cook when the restaurant catered to his every need?—to the dining area with its big smoked-glass table, and the media room style lounge area with its big, comfortable gray chairs.

Then he led her past the office where he kept his finger on the pulse for the everyday running of the business, before he swept her into his bedroom, shutting the door with a thud behind them. He pressed her against the hard woodgrain, widening his stance to be at her eye level, before he kissed her hard.
