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If I wasn’t confused before, I am now. “What do I have to do? I don’t understand.”

“You will see, miss.” She turns to walk away, but I call out to her.


“Don’t worry,” she whispers. “All will reveal itself in time. Love and hope will fade away, and death and destruction will take their place.”

What the hell?

Confusion and fear swirl in my mind as I call out into the empty hallway, searching for the maid who just vanished before my eyes. Her last words echo around me, filling me with resignation and bitter disappointment. Is this a dream? I try to remember Annalise’s face, her kindness and willingness to play with me despite the danger of being caught by my father. But all I can recall is her sudden disappearance, leaving me alone in this grand yet haunting home.

“Thalia…” A voice calls out to me from the distance, its tone urgent. The fog that has settled around me seems to claw at my skin, making it difficult to see or move.

“Thalia, wake up!” another voice urges, a sharp pain hitting my cheek. My forehead feels wet, and warm lips brush against mine. My mind struggles to make sense of it all as the fog whispers and coos around me.

But one thing becomes clear: the voice speaking to me is not that of any King or maid. It’s warmer and more maternal. Almost like my own voice.

“You’re not ready to walk here yet, little witch,” the voice says lovingly, pulling me away from the comforting darkness. “It’s time to go back to them. To your Kings.” Except they aren’t mine, I want to scream.

“Wake up, Thalia.” The voice grows urgent as the fog shifts and fades into an inky blackness. “He’ll come for you. You need to wake up now!”

A bolt of lightning strikes above my head, causing me to jolt in terror as pale hands reach out from the darkness and wrap around my wrists. I scream, calling out for Drystan as the hands pull me farther into the void.

Then, suddenly, everything disappears.

“Thalia, wake up, little lamb.” Drystan’s deep timber echoes through the hazy fog of my mind. My head feels heavy and sluggish, like it’s made of lead. I struggle to open my eyes. They keep drooping shut like curtains weighed down by exhaustion and pain.

“That’s it, Thalia. Stay awake for me.”His concerned face swims into focus above me, his brow creased with worry as he takes in my condition. “You have to stay with me.” I groan in response, trying to push through the dense fog that clouds my thoughts.

As memories begin to filter back, I remember arguing with Weylen about something. What was it? The details are muddled and fuzzy, like trying to view a scene through distorted glass. And then I shoved him…

“Weylen!” I cry out, my voice laced with panic.

A sharp scream escapes my throat as I sit up abruptly, my head throbbing and my hands stinging with pain.

But the sight that greets me only adds to the confusion and terror swirling inside me. My hands are covered in blood and shards of glass. Drystan quickly places a hand on my shoulder, his voice firm as he orders me not to look at my injuries. Shivers race down my spine as I finally take in the chaos around us. Scorch marks mar the walls, shattered glass litters the floor, doors hang off their hinges, and the wood beneath us is splintered and cracked.

“Weylen,” I croak again, desperation lacing my voice.

“I’m right here, baby.” His voice instantly soothes me like a warm blanket. The tight knot in my chest loosens at the sound of his familiar tone.A sob releases from my chest, my lower lip trembling.

“I don’t understand…” I whisper. “I…”

“Don’t worry about that now, chérie,” Asher murmurs. He comes to kneel in front of me, next to Drystan. “We’ll talk about it as soon as we get you tended to and in bed, all right?” I’m too stunned and in pain to do anything but nod my head in acquiescence.

“The doctor is on his way,” Weylen says as he steps toward us from the other side of the room. My eyes widen in shock and disbelief as I take in his appearance. His once pristine shirt is now partially burned off, revealing his naked chest, which is covered in black scorch marks. Two hand-shaped burns stand out against the surrounding unblemished skin, giving him a hauntingly beautiful yet ominous appearance. The scent of smoke lingers around him, adding to the intensity of the moment. He looks like a survivor of a fiery battle, with his dark hair tousled and his hands clenched into fists at his sides. I can’t help but feel a mixture of fear and awe as I try to process what happened.

Tears stream down my ash-marred cheeks like little rivers. “Did I do that?” I choke on a sob, my chest heaving at the violence I’ve created. What’s wrong with me? How could I have done this?

“There’s nothing wrong with you.” Weylen’s soft voice answers the questions I thought I’d voiced in my head. “No one could have predicted that your abilities would manifest themselves so destructively.”

My abilities.

“I suppose you’ve gotten what you wanted,” I say through gritted teeth. “This is what you were waiting for, isn’t it? My abilities to manifest so you could use them. Well, congratulations. Here they are.”

The three Kings eye one another askance, but they don’t deny it. They can’t. Not unless they want to lie to me.

“Not now, Thalia,” Drystan grumbles, looking around at the others milling about the room. Most of them are attempting to clean the disheveled room, but there are some who are simply standing back, silently observing.
