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The humanity I feel for the witch is disconcerting. It has been years since I’ve felt this strongly for someone else. Not since Melissa. Her betrayal stung deep and started a war between Jedidiah and me that spiraled out of control. Too many of my men were lost because I let my guard down. I let myself feel when I should have remembered exactly who I am.

I’m a predator, and I make no apologies for it. When Irena said that the key to unlocking Thalia’s abilities was love, I scoffed. I was right too. It wasn’t love that set it off. It was affection that helped her to break whatever block had been holding it back. Still, I subdued my nature for her, employing more patience and civility over the last week than ever. Not that it matters for much longer. She’s agreed to help us, and soon, but I know in my cold, dead heart that I can’t let her go through with it.

Weylen and Asher eagerly join me in the antiquities room, anticipation palpable as we wait for Thalia to come down from getting ready. We can hear the sharp click of her heels against the stone stairs as she descends from the tower. When she finally appears in the doorway, my breath catches in my throat. She’s a vision of beauty and power, radiating confidence with every step she takes toward us.

Irena, who also happens to be a talented designer, has outdone herself with Thalia’s dress. It’s a stunning piece, evoking images of Russian royalty during the Tzar era. The one-shouldered design hugs Thalia’s curves, accentuating her slender figure. A daring slit runs up one thigh, revealing delicate bite marks that serve as a reminder of our claim on her. The corseted back adds a touch of sensuality to the otherwise sleek black fabric, while intricate blood-red beading adds a pop of color and drama.

Thalia’s long hair is swept up into an elegant bun, exposing her neck and highlighting our marks on her delicate skin. She truly looks like a queen, exuding power and grace in equal measure. Our clan emblem is proudly displayed on her shoulder, in the form of a silver pin adorning the short sleeve of her dress.

As I take in Thalia’s appearance, I struggle to contain the primal desire roaring through my veins. Judging by the low growls emanating from my brothers, they’re experiencing the same struggle. We all want nothing more than to ravish Thalia right here and now. But for tonight, she is ours to display and protect at the annual vampire fights. And she will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on all who lay eyes on her.

We decided the other night that we wouldn’t sacrifice her. We can’t. Her essence has attached itself to us, and we are now bound to her in a way I can’t describe. None of us has ever felt this way before. Not even with Melissa. Thalia is the woman I want at our sides. I knew that the moment I woke up with her beside me in her bed.

Thalia stops at the landing, her skin sun-kissed and golden from her time outside. She wrings her hands nervously as she stands in front of us, waiting for our approval.

Silently, I beckon her forward with a motion of my hand. She glides toward me obediently. In my hand, I have a small piece of adorned black fabric. She eyes it suspiciously when I bring it up to her face. “You will be in a room full of the most powerful vampires in the world,” I tell her. “They will not have the honor of viewing your face.”

With ease, I slide the fabric over her nose and latch the beaded chain into her hair and anchor it. Irena would have already helped to cover her scent, but we need to make sure she’s protected and claimed. Weylen takes his knife from his pocket and flicks it open, cutting one of his fingers before passing it to Asher, who does the same.

He kneels in front of her, taking one leg in his hand and lifting it slightly enough to give him access to the soft spot between her legs.

“What are…?” Her question is halted as she lets out a low moan. Weylen is doing exactly as he needs to, rubbing his bloodied finger up and down her drenched cunt. The scent of our blood on her skin will ensure that no one will approach her. Unless they have a death wish. Asher follows suit, dipping his finger beneath her neckline and circling her pert nipples.

My scent is still between her ass cheeks with the bejeweled butt plug I placed there this morning.

“This will send them all a message,” I explain smoothly, reaching for her hand. “Everyone will know that you belong to us.” Something flashes across her face, but it’s gone just as fast, replaced by a timid smile.

“Do I?” she asks curiously, her glacier eyes staring into mine, expressive as fuck. Reaching up, I cup her cheek. Her eyes close briefly, and she snuggles into my hand.

“We will never let you go, Thalia,” I whisper. “You belong to us. Do you understand?”

There’s only a slight hesitation before she opens her eyes and nods her head obediently. “Yes, sir.”

“Remember who you represent, little lamb,” I remind her solemnly as I place the golden amulet around her neck. This is her first time seeing it. She looks down, running her fingers over the sacred runes. “I will not tolerate disobedience.”

Thalia nods her head, her expression serious.

“Good girl.” Taking a step back, I place her hand in the crook of my elbow. “You are safe with us.” With that, I escort her toward the door, with my brothers on either side.

The drive to the fights is filled with tension, Thalia’s heart beats rapidly, and Asher’s fingers tap frenetically on his phone’s keyboard. Even during our brief moments of relaxation, we never truly rest. The empire always looms over us, demanding our attention. Irena and the other fighters are already at the arena, preparing themselves for the brutal night ahead. Weylen plugs in his ear buds, eagerly listening to a new podcast focused on unsolved cold cases—an eerie fascination of his, considering he’s the one responsible for many of those deaths.

Meanwhile, I struggle to contain myself as my three-thousand-dollar Armani suit pants threaten to rip at the seams from my rampant arousal. Thalia sits regally next to me, but she can’t seem to keep her legs still, constantly shifting and adjusting. Each movement sends a fresh wave of her blood-tinged arousal toward me, making it increasingly difficult to resist her. She sighs softly every now and then, her body relaxing against mine. Her hand rests innocently on my thigh, but her thumb rubs small circles that cause my desire to swell even further with each stroke. I doubt she even realizes what she’s doing, but if we don’t get out of this car soon, I’ll lose all control and ravage her before we even make it inside.

Thankfully, fate intervenes as we pull up to the Elysium venue. Weylen swiftly opens the door and extends his hand to Thalia, who gracefully slides across the buttery leather seats. Fuck. I shouldn’t let her get to me like this. She’s a weakness that could be exploited by our enemies.

“Do we know who Irena is fighting?” I ask Asher, desperately trying to distract myself as we enter the venue. He glances down at his phone and frowns deeply.

“She’s the fifth fight of the night,” he informs me. “Against Gideon Arroman.”

Shit. Gideon is one of the most renowned fighters in Elysium, with a career filled with over a thousand victories. My sister, on the other hand, has no real experience. Whoever matched them up knew this and clearly planned for her to fail.

“Find me the fucking fight coordinator,” I growl to Luca, one of my men who came along for protection. “Bring him to me.”

This isn’t just an oversight. It screams of Jedidiah’s manipulations. As we make our way through the bustling crowd, I pull Thalia closer to my side and whisper fiercely into her ear, commanding her attention.

“Remember, you belong to us. No matter what you see or hear in here, know that no one will touch you or harm you.” Demanding her gaze, I tip her chin up and force her eyes to meet mine. “Anyone who dares lay a finger on you will die at our hands.” The promise may be dark, but a flicker of darkness glimmers in my little lamb’s eyes when I speak it.

“We will rip their heads from their bodies and lay them at your feet if they dare try anything.”
