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The change that will rock our society to its core.

And for that to happen, I need to be exactly where I’m supposed to be—in the middle of it all.

“Are you ready?” Romeo asks, his voice gruff and full of concern. He has been my confidant since my husband’s death several decades ago. He and my late husband, River, had been best friends since before they were foundlings, always causing mischief. My brother wasn’t too pleased with our marriage, but I wouldn’t let him say no. River was everything to me, and even now, years later, he’s still the only one who holds a place in my heart.

“As much as I can be,” I tell him.

“Gideon constantly drops his right,” Romeo reminds me as he steps closer, his hands coming up to rest on my shoulders. His touch sends pleasurable shivers coursing through me, but I’ve never acted on those feelings out of loyalty to my late husband. But now, there will never be another chance.

“I know,” I reply with a small smile. But Romeo sees right through it, as he always has.

“What aren’t you telling me, Sapphire?” His use of my old nickname makes my heart ache. He hasn’t called me that since River’s death. It was what they used to call me when I had visions. They said I glowed with a blue light, like a sapphire.

“You know I love you with all my heart, right?” I tell him, my voice trembling. Romeo furrows his brow and nods in understanding. “If I were ever going to be with anyone after River, it would have been you.”

“Why are you speaking in past tense, Irena?” he asks, panic creeping into his tone. “What’s going on?”

I shake my head, unable to tell him the truth. He can’t know. Most people believe that the future is predetermined, but it isn’t. The future is more like a river, constantly changing and shifting. If I reveal what I know to Romeo, it could alter what needs to be done, and I can’t allow that.

I could have easily told Thalia about my brothers’ change of plans, that they decided against sacrificing her because of how much they care for her, but I didn’t. Because change needs to happen, and this is the only way it will come about. The prophecy will be fulfilled through a haze of death and despair.

“Don’t worry about it,” I assure Romeo, standing on my toes to press a kiss to his lips. He’s too shocked to respond, but that’s okay. This moment will be etched in my memory forever, even though that forever will soon come to an end.

The announcer calls my name, and with a sad smile, I make my way out to the ring, arms held high in the air as the crowd chants my name. Just breathe, I tell myself. I’m not afraid of what’s to come, but there’s still an ache in my chest. I will be leaving behind the man who saved me. The one who picked up the pieces and put me back together again.

He’s the man who stood by my side through thick and thin. Darkness and sunshine. No matter how hard I messed up or how far I traveled, he always had my back. My gaze wanders to the balcony where my brother sits, staring at me. He isn’t showing any emotion. He can’t. This crowd takes another’s weakness and twists it until there’s nothing left. They’ve already shown enough weakness tonight when they defended Thalia in front of Jedidiah.

They can’t afford to show any more.

Gideon is waiting in the ring already, a smug smile on his face. We don’t use safety implements here. We’re vampires. It’s good old-fashioned fisticuffs. Taking a deep breath, I step into the ring, mentally preparing myself for what comes next. It won’t be long now.

The referee stalks to the middle. He isn’t a vampire. Not a full breed. Gideon senses that and curiously looks over. So he isn’t in on it. Interesting. He’s one of Jedidiah’s fighters, so I assumed he would know what’s going to happen. Then again, I know my sire. He doesn’t share his plans with anyone.

“The only way to win a battle is to have the moves in your head. Keep them guessing.”


“Hold on.” Gideon holds up his hands for a time-out.


It’s too late. The end is coming. Neither of us will survive it.


“He’s a fucking dhampir…”

I’m coming for you, my love. Wait for me.

With a deafening roar, the room explodes beneath my feet, sending shards of glass and debris flying in all directions. The walls shake and the floor trembles, but despite the chaos around me, I feel a sense of overwhelming peace wash over me. It’s as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders after centuries of unrest. Finally, I can surrender to the tranquility that has eluded me for so long.

Goodbye, brother.

