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"Your Majesty?" A voice startles me from my thoughts, and I turn to see one of my trusted advisors approaching.

"Ah, yes," I reply, trying to mask my impatience. "What is it?"

"Have you made a decision about the trade negotiations?" he asks, his brow furrowed with concern.

"Later," I snap, dismissing him with a wave of my hand. My mind is already racing back to Jane, picturing her delicate fingers brushing against the vibrant blossoms that now adorn our castle walls.

"Of course, Your Majesty," he bows, retreating from sight.

I lean against a cold stone wall, my body trembling with anticipation. Jane must stumble upon the flowers soon, and I can't help but imagine her reaction. The way her eyes will widen in astonishment, her lips parting in a soft, surprised gasp. Will she realize the true meaning behind this romantic gesture? Will she understand the depth of my longing for her?

"Your Majesty!" A servant hurries towards me, breathless. Only my trusted few servants are privy to the information that this is all for Jane. "Jane – she's found the flowers!"

"Take me to her," I command, my voice barely more than a whisper. He nods, leading me through the winding corridors towards the hidden room where I can watch her unnoticed.

As I peer through the one-way glass, my heart leaps at the sight of Jane standing amidst the floral display, her eyes wide with wonder. She reaches out tentatively, a soft smile lighting up her face as she strokes the velvety petals.

"Beautiful," she murmurs to herself, her voice barely audible. "So beautiful..."

"Fuck," I think, my body reacting instantly to the sight of her innocent delight. My cock strains against my trousers, aching with need. I want her more than ever now, this sweet, enchanting girl who has stolen my heart and ignited a passion in me that I can no longer control.

"Jane," I whisper, my voice trembling as I watch her spin slowly, taking in the breathtaking scene before her. "I love you."

As the words leave my lips, I know they're true. I'm completely and utterly consumed by my desire for Jane. And though I know our love can never be, I can't help but imagine what it would be like to hold her in my arms, to feel the soft warmth of her skin against mine, to taste her lips and lose myself in her embrace.

"Your Majesty?" The servant's voice intrudes on my reverie, and I blink, tearing my gaze away from Jane.

"Leave me," I growl, unable to bear the prying eyes of others any longer. As he hurries away, I return my attention to the captivating vision before me, my heart swelling with a mixture of hope and despair.

"Jane," I breathe once more, my soul aching with longing. "My sweet, innocent Jane...What have I done?"

From my hidden perch, I watch Jane as her slender fingers dance over the velvety petals, her innocent curiosity stealing my breath away. The warmth of my desire spreads through me like wildfire, consuming every inch of my being. God, how I yearn to be the one touching her, feeling the satin softness of her skin beneath my calloused hands.

"Beautiful," she whispers again, her voice a delicate melody that sends shivers down my spine. I can't help but agree—she is beautiful, a vibrant bloom among the sea of flowers surrounding her.

Her eyes flutter closed as she inhales deeply, the sweet scent of the blossoms filling her lungs. It's maddening to think that I'm not there with her, not burying my face in her silken hair, breathing in that unique fragrance that is so undeniably Jane. My body aches for her, an all-consuming hunger that only grows more ravenous by the second.

"Who could have done this?" she wonders aloud, her voice lilting with awe and excitement. The knowledge that it was me, that I am responsible for that look of pure wonder on her face, only fuels my obsession further.

"Maybe it's a secret admirer," she muses, and my heart clenches at the thought. If only she knew that it was her king who longed for her, who craved her touch and her love with every fiber of his being.

"Or perhaps it's just a kind gesture from someone," she continues, her words torturous to my ears. She has no idea of the depths of my desire, of the darkness that consumes me as I watch her from the shadows.

I lean closer, barely able to restrain myself from reaching out to touch her, to claim her as my own. My pulse races, my breath coming in shallow, ragged gasps as I wrestle with the overwhelming urge to possess her, to make her mine in every way possible.

"Jane," I whisper, my voice choked with barely contained emotion. "I need you."

But she can't hear me, lost as she is in her own world of wonder and enchantment. And as I watch her, this angelic creature who has captured my heart and soul, I am reminded once more of the cruel reality that keeps us apart. For though I may be king, my love for Jane must remain a secret – a dark, twisted fantasy that can never see the light of day.

"Jane," I breathe again, my body trembling with the intensity of my desire. "My sweet, innocent Jane... If only you knew."

The scent of Jane's perfume lingers in the air, intoxicating me as her laughter echoes through the hallway. I watch from my hidden vantage point, my heart pounding with the intensity of my desire for her.

"Your Majesty," a voice interrupts my thoughts, and I startle, nearly dropping the small camera I've been gripping tightly in my hand. It's one of my loyal servants, his eyes downcast in deference. "Forgive the intrusion. Your presence is requested in the throne room."

"Very well," I reply, my voice tense and strained. The servant bows and disappears, leaving me alone once more with my obsession.

I return my gaze to the screen, where Jane's image dances before my eyes like some ethereal vision. She moves gracefully, her innocent beauty captivating me entirely. My body aches with need, the urge to touch her, to claim her, becoming unbearable.
