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“Fuck. Don’t even get me thinking about that yet.”

He approaches me, leaning over the doorway and staring deep into my eyes. Slowly he lifts the hem of my shirt high up then palms my lower belly. “I can’t wait for this to get swollen with my baby.”

We stand like that until a musical “Daddy!” pierces the tranquil morning.

He gives me a quick kiss then straightens as the door opens and Harriet’s curly head peeks in. “Daddy?”

“Here, pumpkin.”

“Yay! You didn’t go to work yet!” She bounds across the room and straight into his arms.

“No, we’ve got big plans at your school today remember?”


“Now let’s go see about your breakfast.” Harriet is getting to that stage where she’s picky with food.

“Mabel says I have to eat it all,” Harriet grumbles. She spots me over Ryan’s shoulder, “Morning Mommy,” she greets as he carries her from the room.

“Morning sweetheart,” I call after them.

“Well Mabel is right, pumpkin.” Ryan coaxes, “But I can show you a cool trick to try with your cereal.”

“Daddy, you’re just going to make me eat it all…”

Their voices fade as they leave the room and I return to the bathroom mirror and immediately finger the necklace at my throat. The blue diamond twinkles and shimmers as it catches the bathroom lights.

The diamonds mean a lot to the whole Fairchild dynasty. True to Ryan’s words, they are a 200-year-old expression for don’t fuck with me. But for me, they tell me in 200 ways that I found my family. It’s not perfect, but it’s forever.

