Page 37 of Bond & Claim

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In the depths of the night, as darkness shrouds me, sleep proves elusive for me. Instead of restful slumber, I find myself ensnared in the clutches of a haunting nightmare. It’s as though the horrors of The Rift have followed me into the realm of dreams, refusing to release their grip.

In this nightmarish vision, I stand alone at the edge of a gaping abyss, The Rift itself yawning before me. Its inky darkness beckons, a void that hungers for my very essence. A relentless, unseen force tugs at me, threatening to pull me into its unfathomable depths.

I struggle against the inexorable pull, my fingers clawing desperately at the rocky ground beneath me. The air is thick with a malevolent energy, and I can hear the eerie whispers of the Rift, like a chorus of lost souls calling out to me.

My heart races, and fear courses through my veins as I fight to maintain my footing. But the sinister force is unrelenting, and I feel myself slipping, the ground crumbling away beneath my feet.

Just as I’m on the precipice of being consumed by the darkness, a cacophony of voices breaks through the nightmare’s hold. The voices of my pack mates call out to me, their words a life line in the abyss.

“Anya, we’re here for you!”

“Stay strong, Anya!”

Their voices grow louder, more insistent, and I feel their presence beside me, their hands reaching out to pull me back from the brink. Their unwavering support fills me with a surge of hope and determination.

With one final, desperate effort, I break free from the nightmare’s grasp, gasping for breath as I awaken in our camp, bathed in the soft glow of the moon. My heart still races, but the comforting presence of my pack mates surrounds me, a reminder that I am not alone in this battle against the horrors of the Rift…

My eyes snap open, and I’m met with Lucas’s worried gaze, his eyes reflecting concern as he watches over me. The remnants of the haunting nightmare still cling to my thoughts, but the warmth of his presence begins to chase away the lingering shadows of fear.

“Anya, are you okay?” Lucas’s voice is gentle, filled with genuine worry for my well-being. His hand reaches out to brush a strand of hair from my face, his touch a soothing balm to my frazzled nerves.

I take a deep breath, dispelling the remnants of the nightmare that had threatened to consume me. “I... I had a terrible dream,” I admit, my voice trembling slightly. “It was The Rift, pulling me in, just like before.”

Lucas’s expression softens with understanding, and he pulls me into a comforting embrace, as if to shield me from the lingering terrors of my dreams. “You’re safe now, Anya,” he reassures me, his words a source of solace. “We’re all here with you, and we won’t let The Rift take you.”

I find solace in his arms, the warmth of his presence grounding me in the reality of our shared struggle. The nightmares may persist, but so does our unwavering determination to face them together as a pack, supporting each other through the darkness that seeks to engulf us.

Wyatt’s words break through the remnants of my nightmare, pulling me back to the present. I blink and focus on his concerned face as he speaks. “Anya, we’re no longer in the heart of that treacherous forest. The pack elders decided to relieve us of our mission. They’ve replaced our team with another. We went through too much. Don’t you remember them saying that?”

Relief washes over me like a soothing wave, temporarily alleviating the weight of the burdens we’ve carried. I do recall that now, which allows the last remnants of the dream to slip away from me.

It’s as though a heavy load has been lifted from my shoulders, and I let out a deep sigh of relief. The thought of no longer having to face the relentless horrors of the Rift, at least for now, is a welcome respite. The knowledge that we can finally take a step back from the abyss, allowing ourselves time to recover and heal, fills me with gratitude.

“We did go through so much,” I murmur, my voice filled with a mixture of exhaustion and relief. “I’m just glad we can finally take a break, even if it’s just for a little while.”

“But remember,” Owen interjects, his voice filled with a sense of importance that catches my attention. “This isn’t just a day for relaxing. Roarke and Ryan are meeting for the very first time today as father and son. So, it’s a big day for all of us. Especially you.”

His words strike a chord deep within me, and my breath catches in my throat. The significance of this moment, the meeting of father and son, is not lost on me. It’s a profound and emotional event, one that has been a long time coming. The anticipation and the weight of this reunion settles heavily in my heart as I consider the journey that has led us to this pivotal day.

I sit up quietly, observing Roarke as he paces back and forth in the living room of our new home, the one we’ve chosen to share together. There’s a visible weight on his shoulders, and the gravity of the day ahead is evident in the lines on his face and the tension in his movements. I can’t help but feel a mixture of hope and concern, wishing with all my heart that today will unfold in the best possible way for him.

As I watch him, I reflect on the journey we’ve been on, the challenges we’ve faced, and the moments that have brought us to this pivotal day. The meeting between Roarke and his son, Ryan, is an event we’ve all been eagerly awaiting, and the emotions that surround it are complex and profound. I hope that the bond between father and son can be forged today, that they can find a way to connect and build a future together.

In this quiet moment, I send my silent prayers and well wishes into the universe, hoping that the day ahead will bring healing, understanding, and a new beginning for Roarke and Ryan.

As I think about my son, my thoughts drift back to the phone conversation I had with Ryan earlier in the month. It was a conversation that had been a long time coming, one where we both bared our souls and shared our deepest secrets. Awkward, yes, but it marks a new chapter in our relationship, one I hope will bring us closer together.

“Mom, there’s something I need to tell you.”

I remember the way Ryan’s voice wavered as he spoke about his experiences as a wolf, the weight of his words and the vulnerability in his tone. He told me why he hid it from me, and explained that’s why we drifted apart when he was thirteen years old and just understanding his true self. I was sobbing before I even had the chance to explain my secret. The reason I called him.

“I know you’re a wolf,” I told him. “Because I have just found out that your father is too.”

“Father?” he was as surprised as me.

“He didn’t know about you, just as you didn’t know about him… but I have tracked him down and he wants a chance to bond with you at last.”

I didn’t know how he would take it at first, and it did take a little while. But eventually he came around to the idea of meeting his father and learning more about himself, while reconnecting with me as well, and telling me about the pack he runs with now—who definitely aren’t at college!
