Page 70 of Hostile Territory

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“I love them,” Sierra assured him gently, touching his cheek, smiling into his light-gray eyes. “This is so thoughtful of you, Mace. You constantly surprise me.” She pulled out the engagement ring, handed it to him and said, “Slip this on my finger? Make this official?”

He grinned and nodded as she offered her slender hand to him. “Now, if it fits, I can stop worrying,” he joked. The gold ring slid easily onto her finger. Holding her hand, he leaned down and kissed her smiling mouth. “I love you, Sierra Chastain. Now, all we need to do is figure out a wedding date.”

Throwing her arms round his shoulders, she kissed him warmly and whispered, “Sooner, not later. Okay, Kilmer?”

“Suits me,” he agreed, tucking her beneath his arm. He moved his hand across her belly, studying her. “I know you want children. So do I.” His hand stilled over her rounded abdomen. “It’s up to you, Sierra. I’ll be happy with whatever you want.” He saw her face soften and grow tender. She placed her hand over his.

“I’m ready when you are. I keep imagining two or three kids here, in our cabin.”

Mace chuckled. “Then I’d best get to work in my off time from Shield and build three more rooms onto this cabin.” Their house sat on a five-acre parcel. Mace could expand the pine cabin any way they wanted. He saw Sierra smile and nod.

“And I’ll help you build those rooms. I’m handy with a hammer and nails.” she said.

“And paint and dry wall,” he added, feeling powerful surges of love tunnel through him. “We’ll do it together, like we do everything else.”

Sierra kept his large, wide hand against her belly. “We have a whole, wonderful life that we’re building together, Mace. And I’m so happy…”

