Page 19 of Cold-Hearted King

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Mr. City Slicker slammed me against the wall just behind the door, cupping my jaw with one hand as he crushed his mouth over mine once again. I dug my fingers into his shoulders, marveling in every muscle. No man was supposed to be built this way or to look so damn hot in a pair of jeans.

Even though I’d wanted to hate him, to pretend I wasn’t completely aroused by what he’d done to me, lying wasn’t my thing. But this was… Crazy. I’d never had a one-night stand in my life. I’d never even considered it.

Why this man and why tonight?

Because you need to feel alive again. Because your life is turning to shit before your eyes.

I wasn’t entirely certain how I’d lost my mind. I also had no real clue how we ended up in a motel room. His motel room to be exact. I barely remembered turning off the lights and locking up the bar. I wasn’t certain if I’d grabbed my purse and coat or if he’d carried me across the parking lot, kicking open his motel room door like a big he-man.

And I had no idea the moment I’d allowed myself to be consumed by a man who’d spanked me. This had to be what a parallel world was about, or I’d completely sunk into insanity. Whatever the case, I continued to tingle all over, my heart thudding to the point I could almost hear nothing else.

Besides the sexy man’s growls, low and husky, an animal in heat. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other, tearing at our respective clothes as the kisses became even more treacherous in their passion. I’d never felt so gloriously consumed in my life, my lips likely to be chapped in the morning from how aggressive his mouth was in taking mine.

The dazzling sensations tearing through me continued to increase, and I wasn’t certain how it was possible. I was soaring on cloud nine the second he’d slammed the door, locking it behind him. There was a single light on in the room, but I certainly wasn’t paying attention to anything but the incredible man giving me a glorious moment of freedom.

Freedom from my worries and all the day-to-day concerns of paying bills and trying to be a good mother. This could never happen again but for tonight, I was allowing myself to enjoy every second of being claimed like a possession. His kisses were even more fervent than before, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth as he’d done for the last ten minutes. Maybe longer.

I tugged at his shirt, longing to feel his heated skin. When I finally managed to free the thin material, I immediately slid my hands underneath, whimpering into the kiss as I’d done a few times before. The touch of him seared my fingertips, the breathtaking feel of his muscular back unlike any man I’d ever been with.

He kept me crushed against the wall, refusing to give me any leeway. I was breathless, excitement tearing through me. As he ground his denim-covered cock against my stomach, I was certain I’d drop to the floor if he let go of me.

Somehow, I doubted he was going to until he’d had his fill. What was it about his crazy domination that I liked? I had no clue. When he finally broke the kiss, pulling his head away, he wrapped his hand around my throat. I finally opened my eyes, noting his were full of possessive mischief. I could swear the man was going to eat me alive.

He squeezed his fingers, half laughing and half growling before dragging his rough tongue from one side of my jaw to the other. I couldn’t stop trembling, fighting with the material, struggling to slide one hand between us. When I was successful, wrapping my hand around his thick bulge, stars floated in front of my eyes. The man was huge. Bigger than men were supposed to be.

His shaft throbbed against my palm in a way that left me breathless, my hunger spiraling out of control. He nipped my lower lip then took a single step away, yanking on my shirt. With ease, he pulled it over my head, tossing it aside. The look on his face could only be called a beast ready to consume just before he cupped my breasts, immediately squeezing then twisting my nipples.

As a rush of pain jetted into my system, I pressed my head against the wall, laughing from the sheer delight of his control.

“So fucking beautiful. I can’t wait to be inside of you.” His voice wasn’t the same as before, the deep baritone leaving my heart fluttering.

“Hurry. I can’t wait.” Had I actually said those words?

He chuckled darkly. The second he dropped his head, wrapping his soft lips around my aching nipple, I wrapped my arm around his neck, holding him in place.

As I gasped for air, I could feel my legs sliding out from under me. He slid one hand to my jeans, deftly unfastening them while he continued teasing me with his mouth and fingers.

“Oh, my. You are so… big.”

He wasted no time unfastening my bra, leaning back and laughing once again as he ripped it from me, holding it into the air before flinging it halfway across the room. “Do you know what I’m going to do to you, Big Red?”


“Fuck you until you can’t stand up straight tomorrow.”



What a lucky girl I was.

Fuck me until I couldn’t stand up straight. Now that was a bold statement.

The normal woman inside of me, the one who’d already taken more than a single swing at him would shove him aside, telling him in no uncertain terms that wasn’t going to happen. But here I was, my mouth watering to see him accomplish the scandalous feat.

The thought that I wouldn’t be able to sit given the brutal spanking and I wouldn’t be able to stand because of the savage fucking was yummy. More so than I would have admitted just the day before. I bit my lip, trying and failing to keep from moaning. He had that effect on me.

The moment he dropped to his knees, yanking my jeans and panties down with him, I threw my arms over my head. This was crazy. I couldn’t think straight. I didn’t want to think straight.
