Page 36 of Cold-Hearted King

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“Yeah. I knew Walter had a son, but they’ve been estranged for years. He really never talked much about his family, but I seem to recall he mentioned his grandson one time.”

“Wow. Do you know anything about him?”

“No, Walter’s attorney wasn’t forthcoming except to act as if the ranch was being sold quickly.”

“So sad. I just can’t imagine it being sold off.”

“Me neither. Plus, that’s not all the fun this week has brought me.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Not more?”

I glanced out the window at the busy street, the beautiful day doing little more than keeping me on pins and needles. I also expected to see James walking down the street as if he owned the town. “The worst thing of all is that it would appear my ex is in town or at least he will be shortly.”

“What? What did you just say?”

I nodded, my throat trying to close at it had almost three times while eating my sandwich.

“You’re shittin’ me. How did that happen?”

She was the one person I’d confided in since moving here, her friendship meaning everything to me. I nodded, trying not to become emotional all over again. That wouldn’t do me any good. I had to stay strong in order to be able to fight. “I wish I were. He called me when I was at work. He wants to see Britta. No, he demanded to see her.”

“Well, the courts said he has no visitation rights. Just ignore the asshole.”

“I wish I could, but you don’t understand how powerful he is.”

Megan narrowed her eyes, as angry for me as I was. “And maybe you don’t understand the system as well as I do. You need to get a restraining order then let the courts know he contacted you. Put that worthless attorney of yours to work. If he dares show up at your work, your home, or Britta’s school, you need to call the sheriff’s office immediately.”

“I don’t know if I have the bandwidth for that. Plus, he’s planning on taking me to court filing for full custody. That’s according to my worthless attorney.”

She snorted. “Oh, my God. The fucking nerve. What a jerk. After what he did to you, there isn’t a court in hell that will allow that to happen.”

“There is if he files the case in Florida. He and his family own half the people in the damn state. I swear to God they do.”

“Jess. Come on. They’re businessmen and women, law-abiding citizens. That’s ridiculous.”

I threw her a look, chewing on my inner cheek once again, this time tasting blood. “Look the family up, Megan. See the articles written on them, the way they’ve destroyed other businesses. Then you’ll see how dangerous they’ve become over the years, their influence felt up and down the East Coast. I don’t have the money, time, or resources to fight them. And going to Miami would break me completely.”

“Which is what he’s counting on.” She folded her arms, her face pinched.

“Yep. I don’t even have the money for the retainer my attorney asked for when she called last night. One thousand dollars doesn’t grow on trees. With the asthma medication for Britta, the medical bills still streaming in from her last attack, truck insurance and repairs to the big red thing I can’t pay for, I’m swamped. No, I’m drowning in quicksand.”

“There are some pro-bono attorneys I knew who might be able to help you.”

“Up against attorneys that probably go for five hundred plus dollars an hour? I don’t think so. You know it wouldn’t work.”

“I can loan you some money. I do have a little bit saved up.”

“I’m not taking your money, Meg, but I appreciate the offer. I need to figure this out on my own. I just… I just don’t know why he wants her now. It doesn’t make any sense.”

“Still. I’m going to talk to some folks I work with who’ve dealt with this kind of thing more than I have. Maybe they can offer some advice. And you know how some men are. They’re determined to huff and puff until they get what they want,” she said as she rolled her eyes. “James didn’t like it that you successfully pushed him away. You remember what I told you about my ex-husband.”

“You’re right and I know that but at least you two never had kids.” She looked forlorn and I groaned. “I’m so sorry. That was callous of me.” The reason her husband had left her was because Megan couldn’t have children.

“It’s okay. Maybe one day I’ll adopt. Being able to work with families, making certain they have food on the table and a roof over their heads is fulfilling. For now.” She took a sip of her iced tea, trying to act as if my comment didn’t bother her but I knew better. All she wanted was to be a mom.

I leaned over, trying to break the heaviness of our conversation. “You need a good man in your life, a sugar daddy.”

She spit out her sip, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
