Page 40 of Cold-Hearted King

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I wasn’t certain who opened their eyes wide first, but we were succinct and in time with each other with our reaction, spouting off the single word at the same time.




“You lied to me,” Big Red snapped.

“How did I lie?”

“You didn’t tell me who you were. You’re here to sell off the ranch. Your grandfather would never have wanted that.”

“You didn’t ask. And I certainly had no clue who you were. How would you know what Walter wanted?”

“You should have known and your grandfather loved this land. He poured his heart and soul into it. He wanted someone to care about it in the future, leaving a legacy. I thought he meant to leave it to someone who’d actually care about it as much as he did. Not you.”

“Wow. You are the most opinionated woman I’ve ever met in my life, and trust me, the people I’m forced to deal with are ballbusters. They haven’t got anything on you, lady.”

“You’re such a bastard.” The fury in her eyes was an insulting as it was desirable. I’d never been put in my place so well by a vibrant chick in my entire life.

“Take a number. And what the hell should I have known?” I challenged, finding it difficult not to be amused from her strong reaction.

“Who I was.”

“Then you should have known who I was.” This was ridiculous, but I continued to feel more aroused than I had in a long time.

“Semantics. What in the hell are you doing here? Or should I answer that question for you?” Big Red stood in front of me, her flaming copper hair accentuated by the angle of the warm afternoon sun. She reminded me of a fiery warrior dead set on righting the wrongs of the world by the way she held the steel bat in her hand, prepared to use it as a weapon of defense.

“I could ask you the same question.”

“I live here.” She suddenly came down from her initial response of rage, yet her breathing remained labored and being the lewd beast that I was, I couldn’t help but notice the tight tee shirt she was wearing or the way it accentuated her taut nipples.

Goddamn, the woman could turn me on.

“And I own the place.”

As soon as I issued the words, I could tell almost all the fight had left her, yet the twitch in the corner of her mouth was not only adorable, it also told me she was petrified of the reason for my visit. “You really are the grandson. How did I not figure that out yesterday?” she asked herself, slowly lowering the bat although her grip remained firm, her knuckles white.

“How could you have known?”

“Because I’m good with reading people. However, I wasn’t expecting the bastard determined to sell this beautiful ranch for another twenty minutes.”

“I haven’t made any decisions yet, other than I’m not interested in working with Hank Barclay. And just who were you expecting, the boogeyman?” I could tell shunning Hank had at least won me a few ‘atta boy’ points with her.

Yet her glare reminded me of the ones she’d given me at the gas station the morning I saved her life. That seemed like months ago, not the day before.

That’s what lack of sleep did to a man.

“It doesn’t matter. And Hank is a pig dressed like a snake.”

“See? We can agree on something. By the way, is there anything I can help you with, sweetheart?”

“It’s my business and you’re not a part of it. And I told you before. I am not your sweetheart. Just because we…”

“Had sex?” It was impossible not to allow a grin to cross my face. She curled her upper lip and if I didn’t know better, I’d say she was about ready to slap me. Part of me wanted her to try. That way, I’d drag her over my knees for another hard spanking. The thought was far too arousing.

“That meant nothing. Right? I’m sure you have a harem of women with you. Which is just dandy by me. However, I’m certain you need to come in to give me the bad news, Mr. Cawthorne. Or maybe you want to evict me right here on the spot.”
