Page 50 of Cold-Hearted King

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I’d had men undress me with their eyes before but none so blatantly, nor had they caused me to feel so wanted. He had a way about him that kept me floating a little on cloud nine, which was absolutely ridiculous. He wasn’t my type. Sure, the hot fling against the wall of his motel room had been a pleasant change, but that was the extent of it. I immediately sucked in and held my breath, studying the limbs in the tall trees nestled near the small lake. Water was tumbling over the rocks on one side, keeping the natural body of water almost crystal clear. Just the sound alone was peaceful.

“As you said, Big Red. You pegged me. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this relaxed.”

“This is my favorite place perhaps anywhere.”

“This is incredible. This is part of the new addition. Isn’t it?”

I slipped off Black Magic, brushing my hand across the mare’s neck before walking closer. “From what I understand, yes, you’re right.”

“How long have you been here?”

“A little over two years.”

“A long time,” he said more in respect than anything else.

I moved closer toward the edge of the water, the light breeze keeping goosebumps popping down my arms. Or maybe it was the rugged man’s presence.

“Long enough it feels like home.”

“Where is home?”

“Here. There. Everywhere.”

When he slowly turned his head, I tried not to look at him again.

“I didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth like you did, Sebastian. Like I told you, I was in foster care and don’t say you’re sorry or oh, how bad. It was all I knew and that’s okay. I’m making my own way now.”

“I think you’ve done very well.”

“Right. I would appreciate if you wouldn’t try to placate me.”

“That’s not what I’m doing, Jessie. Not at all.”

“Then what are you doing, Sebastian? You’re going to sell the ranch and head back to wherever you’re from within a few days or a week. Hank made certain I knew you were a developer. Maybe you’ll burn down everything and start over again. No matter what you do, I’ll still be here trying to figure out where I’m going to live.”

He moved beside me, shoving his hands into his back pockets and staring at the water. “I don’t know what I’m going to do but kicking you and your daughter out isn’t my intention. Do me a favor and don’t listen to a goddamn thing Hank has to say.”

“He really got under your skin, didn’t he?” I was curious what had occurred between them, although I could tell Sebastian had an instant dislike of the man. Maybe I’d give him a point or two for having decent taste.

“Let’s just say the man and I don’t see eye to eye on things. I’m a developer of commercial buildings, not turning ranches into condominiums. I also buy companies in distress, picking them apart and putting them back together.”

“Ah, a real problem solver.”

His laugh almost sounded bitter. “That’s not what the majority of people I do business with would call me. But this ranch is different.”

“Well, it’s just business. Right? You said so yourself.”

“No. It’s very personal whether you want to believe me or not.”

I could sense he was uncomfortable with the setting, his uncertainty about how to handle the situation surprising him.

“Maybe you could turn it into a real moneymaker. People do pay a lot of money for the perfect backdrop for their special day.”

He laughed. “Can you see me as a wedding coordinator?”

“I think you can be anything you want to be. I’ll do it for you.” I was just teasing but the look he gave me was as if I was being serious. “I know, none of my business.”
