Page 57 of Cold-Hearted King

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I was more than a little eager to spend more time with her. “I accept, as long as I can take you out to dinner in a couple days.”

“We’ll see, city slicker. Don’t get ahead of yourself. You’re not that cute.”

“Mama, you said not to lie. I can tell you’re lying.”

“Britta!” Jessie snapped playfully. “What am I lying about?”

“He’s very cute. You know that.”

Jessie shook her head. “Oh, my sweet daughter.”

“She’s going to be a little heartbreaker.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” She inhaled, giving me another heated look. “Well, I should start on dinner.” As soon as she stood, we both heard pounding on her front door.

Instantly, her reaction was cause of alarm, Jessie’s face pinching, her breath skipping.

“Who is it?” I asked, trying to keep my tone even.

“I don’t know. But I’m not used to visitors. Just stay here with Britta. Okay?”

“Why don’t I walk out there just in case.”

“No!” she was quick to reply, jerking to her feet. “Please.”

“O-kay.” What the hell was going on?

As soon as Jessie walked out, she closed the door more than halfway. I immediately stood, moving toward it so I could listen. At least Britta wasn’t the wiser, already playing with one of her toys instead of paying any attention.

I could tell Jessie had no desire to find out who was on the other side of the door, jumping when the person banged for a second time. I was about ready to walk out and do it myself when she unlocked it. The moment she did, some asshole threw himself inside.

“There you are. I thought you were trying to ignore me, little bitch.”

Oh, fuck, no. No asshole as going to talk to her that way. I walked into the hallway, closing the door behind me. Somewhere inside, I knew she could get pissed from my interference, but I didn’t give a shit. My sixth sense had been right. We’d been followed. I slammed the glass onto the coffee table before advancing.

“Shut up, James. Britta is here.”

“She damn well better be because I want to see her.”

“You mean meet her, you creep,” she threw back.

“Do we have an issue here?” I asked, using my gruffest tone. There was something vaguely familiar about the man standing in her doorway, but I couldn’t place it. What was easy to tell was the anger fueling him.

“I can handle it, Sebastian,” she said, giving me a hard look.

“Who is this son of a bitch, your boyfriend?” James asked, snarling as he fisted his hands. If he thought he would have an opportunity to see Britta, he needed to think again.

The guy was ready to jump out of his skin, even frothing at the mouth. He was big, but not nearly as large as I was. I took off my jacket, immediately pushing up my sleeves and he seemed to get the point, bristling almost instantly. “I don’t think the lady wants to see you tonight. I suggest you leave.”

“That’s not going to happen. I have every right to be here.”

“No, you don’t, James, and if you don’t leave, I’ll get a restraining order,” she told him, some of her defiance returning.

He snapped, backhanding her and I lunged toward him, issuing a hard crack to his jaw. The force was enough he was pitched out the door. I didn’t stop there, moving outside to continue allowing him to understand no one hit a lady. No one.

James stumbled to his feet, stupid enough to come toward me. I smashed my fist into his face, ready to do more.

“Stop. Just stop,” Jessie snapped. “He’s not worth it.”
