Page 91 of Cold-Hearted King

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“The wedding venue.” As I heard the knock on the door, I couldn’t help but beam.

“That’s fantastic. Now, how do I look?” Megan spun around, more nervous than I’d seen in her in a long time.

I clapped my hands. “Who knew a little black dress for a funeral could turn into something so hot, perfect for a date.”

She laughed, taking a deep breath as I moved to answer the door.

As Jackson appeared, I could tell the man was nervous, which was endearing. “Come in, cowboy.”

“Not yet,” he commented. “But my brother is determined to make me one. If I’m walking a little funny, it’s because he forced me to ride my first horse.” As he glanced at Megan, the way he looked at her was exactly the way Sebastian usually looked at me. “You look amazing.”

“Why, thank you, and I think you’d look great on a horse,” Megan cooed in a voice I’d never heard before. “Don’t wait up, Mom. We’re going to be out very late.”

As Jackson took her arm, leading her outside, I noticed Sebastian leaning against the railing, his muscular arms crossed, a wide grin on his face.

“Have her home by midnight,” I called after them just to tease before swishing my hips as I walked toward him, noticing he had something in his hand. “What do you have there, city slicker?”

“I found this envelope taped to your door.” When I tried to snatch it out of his hand, he jerked it away, reaching into his coat pocket. “First, I wanted you to see this. It’s entirely up to you what you want to do with it.”

“What is it?”

“Take a look.”

As soon as he handed it to me, I could tell it was a copy of the man’s will. “I told you I didn’t want whatever it was.”

“And I’ll respect your wishes, but you need to see what he said about why he left it for you.”

I kept my eyes on him for a few seconds longer before opening the page.

I leave a sum of nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents to the most beautiful girl I’ve met since I fell in love with my wife. You deserve happiness, Jessie. You’re a wonderful mother and a true inspiration and if I had it my way, you’d become an official member of my family.

I reread what he’d written and exhaled. “Really?”

“Really,” Sebastian said. “He adored you just like I do.”

“Well, you’re not so bad yourself when… you stop being a city slicker bastard.” I laughed, feeling lighter than I had before, determined to fight James the right way. It had been Sebastian’s encouragement that had convinced me to do so. Along with being a part of the conversation he’d had with his brother the night before.

Jackson was now in charge of trying to find a reason as to why both Walter and Sebastian had been threatened, and Canyon Industries was determined to purchase the ranch.

“Hmmm… And I can tell that last spanking did nothing.” When he reached for me, I scuttled backward.

“No, you don’t. Britta is in her room pining away to see you.”

“Oh, she is, huh?” he asked. “And not her mother.”

“Eh,” I said, shrugging. “I couldn’t care less.” I laughed easily, the lilting sound surprising even me.

“Well, I guess you won’t want the other bit of good news then. I’ll just keep it to myself.” When he started to put the other envelope into his jacket, I snatched it from him easily, backing away before he could grab me.

“How do you know it’s good news?”

“I have an instinct about these things.” His grin was even more evil than before.

“Come on in, cowboy. I have a bottle of whiskey with your name on it.”

He laughed as he trailed behind me, closing the door.

I glanced down at the envelope, noticing it was from an attorney’s firm. “What is this?”
