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Ghost: Pick you up at seven tonight?

Clover: See you then ??

I slide my phone into my back pocket when Pres comes out into the garage where I’m working with Rider and Knight on a bike. “Ghost, get cleaned up and come on back to the office.”

“You got it Pres. Be back there in a minute,” I tell him.

Once I wash up, I head back to his office, only to find him in the room where he and the other officers meet. “Come on in.”

Nodding, I come in and shut the door when he signals me to.

“How’s it going with your girl?” Pres asks me.

I nod. “So far so good.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. You’ve been a Nomad for years. I think it’s time we talk about changing your patch.”

My brows pull together in confusion. “Really?”

“Unless you still want to be a Nomad. I had figured since you had all but claimed the girl, you’d be in Hells Deep for the long haul.”

I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of that before now. Am I ready to give up the freedom my life affords me? What does that mean for me here? Will I have to finally put down some roots?

“As you know, Baker moved down to Florida to help take care of his parents. At the moment, I’m in need of an enforcer and I’d like you to consider taking the position.”

Damn, he’s offering for me to be an officer in the club. My heart starts racing as the words hang in the air. "Are you serious?" I ask in disbelief.

He nods, a confident smile on his face. "Absolutely. I'm impressed with your dedication and hard work, and I think you'd be an excellent officer in our club. "

I’m speechless for a moment, trying to process the weight of his offer. Becoming an officer in the club would be an incredible opportunity, a chance to contribute more to the organization and make a real difference. But I also know it comes with more responsibilities.

"I'm honored that you would consider me, but I need to think about it before I make a decision."

He nods, "Of course. Take your time and let me know when you’ve come to a decision, but please don’t take too long.”

“You got it, Pres.”

Pres leans back in his chair and steeples fingers as he studies me for a long moment. “Mason, I know how much you enjoy your time out on the road and you’ve got your reasons. I won’t fault a man for doing what he needs to do. But, I want you to know I’ve witnessed how much the other guys around here look up to you. You’re respected and your experience in the club and in the military are invaluable."

“Thank you, sir. I’ll take that all into consideration while I decide.”

“Very well.”

As I exit the MC compound, my mind is teeming with thoughts and emotions that I had not anticipated. While I had come to the realization that I want to be with Clover, I had not given much thought to what our future together would look like. The overwhelming sense of possession that consumed me in the moment had blinded me to the larger implications of my decision.

Questions swirl through my head. Where would we live? Would I remain a Nomad, constantly on the move, or would I accept the Enforcer position that Pres has offered me? Each option presents its own set of challenges and opportunities. I feel overwhelmed by the weight of the choices before me.

The nomad lifestyle is ingrained in my very being. It’s a life of freedom, adventure, and the open road. But could I truly provide for Clover and give her the stability she deserves? Would the constant travel and uncertainty take a toll on our relationship? Of course it would.

On the other hand, accepting the Enforcer position would mean settling down in one place. It would offer a sense of security and the potential for a more traditional life. But would I be content with the responsibilities that came with being tied to a specific location? Would I miss the exhilaration of the nomadic lifestyle?

As I ponder these questions, I realize there is no easy answer. Each path holds its own allure and pitfalls, and the decision ultimately rests on what was best for both Clover and me. I know that I need to carefully consider all the factors involved before making a choice that would shape our future together.

The one thing I know is my future is with Clover. As long as she’s by my side, nothing else matters in comparison.

As I pull into my driveway, I can't help but wonder what Clover would think of my house. It's not much to look at, just a two-bedroom bungalow with a white picket fence that needs a fresh coat of paint. But it's mine, and it's been my home for the past five years.

I bought it when I got out of the military. I had been living in the barracks for years, and I was ready for a place of my own. I didn't want anything fancy, just a place where I could relax and be myself. The house is nothing special, but it's comfortable and it's mine.

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