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"Good," he snarled in my ear. "Now you know how it feels."

His pace quickened as his anger mounted. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to retreat deep into my mind, but the sharp sting of his fangs in my shoulder wrenched me back. My eyes flew open and I cried out. Blood, hot and wet, trickled down my skin.

He drew back, eyes blazing, my blood smeared on his lips. "You're mine, Celeste. No matter how far you run or where you try to hide, I will always find you."

I shivered at the dark promise in his words. This was the true monster I had unleashed with my careless actions. Not just a vampire, but something far more dangerous and depraved.

And despite the fear and revulsion twisting my gut, part of me thrilled at his possessive claim. My traitorous body arched into him, begging for more even as tears blurred my vision.

"Please," I whispered again, though this time the word held a note of surrender.

A slow, cruel smile curved his blood-stained lips. He knew he had me. That no matter how much I struggled, some dark part of me craved this.

"That's my girl," he purred, gripping my throat. His thrusts slowed, relishing his utter domination of me.

I closed my eyes, trapped between pain and pleasure, fear and desire. In this moment, I was his completely. And as much as I might wish otherwise, a part of me exulted in the dark euphoria of his absolute possession.

As he moved with relentless intensity, I was lost in the paradox of my own longing—the way my pussy responded to his domination, the way my mind recoiled in horror. I was caught in a web woven from threads of terror and twisted arousal.

"Mine," Nash seethed, the word a brand upon my soul, sealing the depth of my entrapment.

In the aftermath, as we lay entangled in a mess of leaves and broken boundaries, Nash's breaths came out ragged against the cool night air. The silence was his canvas, and he painted it with pleas.

"Let me explain, Celeste," he begged, voice raw and stripped of its earlier venom. I could feel the tremble in his words, a quiver that didn't match the iron grip of his arms still caging me.

"Explain?" I snorted, the bitter laugh scraping my throat. "What's there to explain, huh? You've got a fucked-up way of showing hospitality, or is this just how you treat all your unwilling houseguests?"

"Please," he persisted, his desperation clawing at my resolve. "I need you to understand."

"Understand what, Nash? That you're some sort of kinky vampire with a fucking savior complex?" My heart hammered like a damn jackhammer on overdrive, but I couldn't let him see that. Couldn't let him know that beneath the layers of fear and anger, there was something else—something that scared the shit out of me more than his fangs ever could.

"More than that," he murmured, his fingers tracing the line of my jaw with a gentleness that didn't belong to the monster from moments ago. "I am both protector and predator, and you... you're caught in the middle of a war you don't even know exists."

"Great, add cryptic bullshit to the list." But despite my words, my traitorous body stilled, curiosity warring with my instinct to fight or flee.

"Listen to me," Nash continued, urgency lacing his tone. "There's darkness in this world, darkness you can't imagine, and I..."

"Save it for your memoirs," I cut him off, pushing against his chest, trying to ignore how my skin tingled at the contact. "I'm not your damsel in distress, Nash. I'm the goddamn horror story."

He sighed, the sound heavy with things unsaid, and finally released me. I scrambled up, my legs unsteady, my mind reeling.

"Go then," he said, and there was an echo of defeat in his voice that almost made me pause. "But know this, Celeste—you may not believe it now, but I am on your side."

I took a step back, another, feeling the chill of the night seep into my bones. My gaze flicked between the mansion's distant lights and the shadowed figure before me. A protector. A predator. And me, trapped in the eye of a storm I didn't see coming.

And with the dark woods as witness, I stood torn, wondering if the descent into hell was worth the promise of understanding the devil beside me.

Chapter 33


Istood there, swallowed by shadows and silence, save for the occasional rustle of leaves underfoot as creatures scurried through the underbrush. The manor loomed behind Nash like some grand, sinister sentinel, its windows dark and judging.

"Please, Celeste," Nash's voice cut through the night, a plea wrapped in darkness. "Just hear me out."

What the fuck was I even doing here? A part of me, the wounded animal that didn't know better, wanted to bolt. But something electric tethered me to the spot—curiosity or maybe some twisted sense of fate. Nash had that look in his brown eyes, the gleam you'd see when someone was about to spill their guts or lay down a world-class line of bullshit. In the moon's pale glow, those eyes were like twin beacons calling to me, pulling at something deep, something I wasn't sure I wanted to acknowledge.

"Talk," I said, my voice more acidic than I'd intended. It was like my tongue was coated with the bitterness of every lie I'd ever been fed.
