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“I know, which is why I came to apologize. Listen, I can’t lose this job. I have bills to pay, and my brother lives with me. I’m paying for his college.”

I don’t take my eyes off him as I lean back and cross my legs, fingers tapping on my desk, double-checking that my phone is within reach. “Should’ve thought of that before you harassed me.”

He cornered me last Friday and put me in a position where I didn’t have a fighting chance. Today is different.

I wait for him to flick his eyes to the walls in my office before I swipe to one particular contact on my phone—the security office downstairs. If Brent tries anything funny, he’ll have more problems than just an HR complaint. Besides, there’s a CCTV directly above my door, so that should’ve caught him entering.

“Piper, you can’t be this mean. I mean everyone thinks you’re a stuck-up, cold-hearted bitch, but I thought?—”

That makes fury uncoil within me, and I jab a finger in his direction. “I’m mean and a bitch? Damn, Brent. Look at you. Throwing the blame at me instead of accepting responsibility like a real man. Like a real grown, mature man. Then again, a real man would never ever force themselves on anyone.”

He opens his mouth, but I cut him off. “No, you listen because apparently you have some hearing problems when someone says no. The HR complaint stays. Now you either get your shit together and stay away from anyone who doesn’t want to be near you or wait until the complaints pile up and you spend the rest of your life in jail. With the way you’re behaving, I won’t be surprised if I’m not your only victim.”

Common sense dictates I should stop provoking him, but dammit, I can’t. I’m drawing strength from the fact that I have Parker now and I know he’ll always have my back, that I can count on him, that I’m no longer alone. It gives me the guts to confront this asshole once and for all.

Besides, guys like Brent rely on the fact that most women will cower in front of them. I did… once. Never again.

I do a quick visual sweep of my desk and check what I can grab to defend myself—a fountain pen, paperweight, picture frame with a sharp edge, my ergonomic mouse, and maybe even the hefty keyboard.

My muscles are tense, and I psyche myself up for what I need to do if push comes to shove.

Brent’s left eye twitches, his lips forming a tight line, his jaw clenching. The heat of his fury radiates to me and thickens the air between us.

A dense cloud of unease begins to settle on me. Blood roars in my ears as I wait for him to make the next move. With my right hand covered by the picture frame, I press CALL. I try to mask the ringing sound by saying, “Leave. Get out of my office.”

He surprises me by nodding, and despite his flaring nostrils, he turns his back to me. His footsteps echo in the small room, and when he reaches the door, he looks at me over his shoulder before opening it and letting it close behind him.

“Hello, Miss Piper? This you? It’s Ben, one of the night shift guards.”

I don’t realize my hands are trembling until I reach for my phone and tuck it between my ear and shoulder. “Yes. I’m about to leave the office. If I’m not down in ten minutes, can you come check on me?”

“Absolutely. Are you in any immediate danger? I can go up right now.”

As much as I want to act tough and brave, I know I just made the huge mistake of pushing Brent to the edge, especially since I may be alone on the floor right now. God, there goes my mouth running off. I could’ve told him that while everyone was still here. “Yes, I’d appreciate that.”

The silence is deafening, and it makes me nervous.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I toss my phone into my bag, close my laptop, and slip it into its sleeve. With one last scan of my office, I turn to the door. Just as my hand reaches the aluminum glass handle, my eyes zero in on the massive frame rushing toward the office.

On instinct, I reach for the lock and turn it. The glass between us is thick and frosted, but it’s still glass. If Brent decides to smash it with a chair, it’s gonna break and there won’t be anything separating us anymore. My only hope is for Ben to arrive as soon as possible. I can’t call Parker because I don’t want to worry him. He’s probably relaxing at home after a long day of outdoor photography.

Besides, Brent may not do anything reckless. Although I won’t put it past him to go full scorched earth on me. After all, I seem to remember hearing about a pending promotion for him in a few weeks. A promotion that most likely won’t happen anymore.


Brent’s face contorts with anger as he slams his fists on the glass door. The whole frame rattles, and I step back, fumbling with my phone. Fuck it. I’m calling Parker. I underestimated Brent. The guy has the common sense of a cucumber. He doesn’t care about the cameras recording his every move.

“You think you can destroy my life, Piper? Not if I destroy you first!”

Brent’s voice is muffled but no less menacing. Faking the courage I no longer feel, I meet his gaze head-on, not breaking eye contact even as I dial Parker’s number.


Dread pools in my stomach because it just rings and rings. And Ben is still nowhere near me.

God, what have I done? I am in so much trouble.
