Page 16 of Knot a Clue

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“You didn’t have to. I know you well enough I could read every thought in your eyes.” She uncovers her meal and picks up a fork.

“Oh, yeah? And what am I thinking now?” She doesn’t answer this time, opting to roll her eyes instead. It doesn’t take long to eat our meal. I haven’t eaten since breakfast, and I’m sure it’s been as long, if not longer for her.

The food is lavish—way better than what Ver and I would normally eat at home. The portions are also quite small, but there’s a lot of everything which makes up for the skimpy sizes. Fucking rich people food. But I guess beggars can’t be choosers when the show is paying for it, right? Plus, it looks like their chef put thought into the meal, pairing a petite filet mignon with just the right dollop of potatoes. There’s also a pastry type thing I’ve never seen before, but it tastes divine, melting in my mouth, like I hope Verity’s slick will.

When we finish, I replace her tray with one of the blankets she’s been eyeing. The moment I cover her lap, her eyes light up with content happiness. “Thanks, RyRy,” she whispers, and I can hear the exhaustion in her tone. I know she’s tired, which is why I’ll do everything in my power to take care of her.

Taking my seat once again, I put my arm around her and drag her into my side. She snuggles in and leans her head on my shoulder. A familiar position we’ve found ourselves in more times than I could ever attempt to count. “Now that you’re fed and snuggled up, I think it’s time to spill the beans.”

“Spill the beans on what?” she asks, completely confused.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice the shirt you’re hiding. While I enjoyed you dropping your towel as a distraction, I’m able to think about more than an exquisite work of art.”

She groans while burying her face in her hands, trying to hide from the reminder. “Can’t we forget that ever happened?”

“Nah. The sight of you is seared in my brain forever, but in a good way. I’m going to think about that—” Her hand suddenly covers my mouth and she levels me with her narrowed gaze.

“Don’t you dare finish that,” she says, with a hint of a threat. My responding laugh is muffled under her hand. She must see the thought of licking her hand in my eyes, or perhaps it’s instinct… years of knowing how I react, anticipating my moves before I even make them, but her eyes slightly widen and she takes a sharp breath before whipping it away. I snap my teeth at her in a teasing warning of having her fingers so close to my mouth. As expected, I get a laugh out of her. Music to my ears.

“Fine! I’ll tell you,” she relents between giggles. This time, I wrap both arms around her and reposition us on the couch so she can use me as a pillow and lounge against me. She stretches along the cushions and I run my fingers through her hair, helping her relax. “It was the shirt Andrik put on me when he found me this morning. It still smells like him, and I can’t bear the thought of not having the scent nearby.” She fidgets under my hold, and I know having her back against me, so she can’t see me, helps with the admission.

“Do you like him?” Being a beta, it’s not a given that I’d end up in a pack. But having assumed for so long that Verity would be an omega, I’ve always daydreamed about her future pack allowing me to join.

Either way, I’ve always known she’d end up with a pack of alphas. Omegas are not only built for them, they need their knot to make it through their heat with as little pain as possible. So while I don’t know Andrik, I hope she finds a pack of alphas she truly cares about. I wish more than anything society allows that for her.

“I think so,” she finally admits, but there’s some hesitance there too.

“What are you thinking about, Ver?” She nuzzles against me with more pressure and I stop running my hand through her hair, opting to hold her firmly in my grip. Sometimes she needs the extra compression when she’s feeling anxious about something. I press my cheek against her neck, giving her more contact with me. The added touch has her melting in my hold.

“This is all too much, RyRy. I won’t be able to pick any of the men in my pack. Even if I fall for someone, he might not be chosen in the end. And then I’ll be expected to mate with them,” her words speed up as her anxiety takes over, “and take their knots. And I’ve never done that before, Ryland. I don’t want my first time to be with someone I don’t care about. Who I don’t love.” She tilts her head, her gaze boring into mine.

“Ver,” I start, my words barely more than a whisper, knowing her thoughts are sliding down a slippery slope—one I’m not sure either of us could ever recover from. I know this woman better than I know myself.

“Ryland, I want you. I need you,” she murmurs. My heart skips a beat before returning to its normal thud. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips and my control snaps. I have to taste her, savor her on my tongue, or I might explode. Whether it damns us both, I’m not sure. Nor do I care.

Chapter 9


My heart is a steady rhythm in my chest, thudding against my ribcage while I wait for Ryland to process his thoughts. Pent-up desire and lust swirl between the two of us, making my breaths come in harsh pants as it fuels the need inside of me.

Ry and I have always toed the line between attraction and friendship. Well, once we were old enough to notice the subtle ways our bodies changed as we grew older. Like how he went from a skinny young boy to a muscly grown ass man. One who’s pressed against me, holding me like I’m the most precious thing to him. It’s a feeling I can’t quite put words to. And I’m afraid if I did, it might snap the moment between us.

I may never have wanted this life, but I’m here and there’s no changing it. I have no choice but to go through with this show and the charade. But right here, right now, in the private space of our bedroom, it’s only the two of us. Ry and Ver against the world. And it’s easy to decide what I want when faced with only two options.

Lose my virginity to someone I barely know?

Or lose it to the person who knows me the best?

Not a hard choice, if you ask me. The question is, does he want it as badly as I do? Is he dying to cross that line between the two of us and never look back? Does he want to taste me on his tongue and connect us in a way where I won’t know where I end and he begins?

“Ryland, I want you. I need you,“ I murmur, hoping like hell he understands my meaning. His eyes widen almost imperceptibly, then darken with desire. Of course he understands exactly what I’m going for. He always knows what I need. Sometimes even when I don’t know it myself.

My tongue darts out to wet my suddenly dry lips, and it’s like it flips a switch in Ryland. His lips come down on mine in a bruising blend of passion and fervor, like he’s trying to make up for all these years we’ve wanted to crash into each other like this and were always too afraid. The surprise has me sucking in a sharp breath, and he seizes the opportunity to sweep his tongue into my mouth, his hand reaching up to grasp my face.

Holy shit. This isn’t my first kiss, but it’s damn sure the best one I’ve ever had. Ryland kisses like he’s been thirsting for me his whole life and I’ve finally opened the floodgates. He shifts our position, placing me fully against him while our legs are stretched down the couch and his obvious desire thumps against me.

I’ve never been this turned on in my life. No one has ever come close aside from the three alphas earlier today, but they may never be mine. This moment is between Ryland and I. I’ll always have him in my life no matter what. I know it in the depths of my soul.

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