Page 16 of His Princess

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My alarm goesoff way too soon and I hit the snooze, then end up repeating the process several times before prying myself out of bed. I’d give anything to be able to crawl back under the covers and stay there until at least noon, but I know my Dad and Vanessa will be here before too much longer. Before we head out to the Lodge, I’ll need to grab a shower and something to eat. Unless I want to make everyone wait on me, I need to get my ass moving.

Shuffling out of my room, the only semi-coherent thought in my head is that I really don’t want to run into Matthew. After having yet another fight last night, he’s the last person I want to see right now.

Normally I enjoy family trips, but I’m dreading this one. Four hours crammed in the same car, then two days trapped at the ski resort with Matthew is going to test my resolve like nothing ever has. And of course, we have to spend the entire time pretending to getting along for the sake of our parents. Making them happy seems to be the only thing we can agree on, and it sure beats the alternative of airing our dirty laundry to them. Trying to explain to Vanessa and my Dad how I let Matthew fuck me on the bar at George’s would be ten times worse than anything this weekend can throw at me, that’s for sure.

Yawning as I round the corner to the bathroom, I stumble into something solid that nearly knocks me back onto my ass. But before I fall, a strong arm catches me out of nowhere, pulling me back against the thick, muscular body of Matthew. I know I should step away immediately, but my knees feel weak and a fog settles over my brain, leaving my clinging to his powerful, massive arms just to keep from melting to the floor. I can feel my face and ears flush what I’m sure is a bright shade of pink as I stammer out an apology while trying not to look at him. It’s no use though, my eyes are drawn to his and his gaze burns through me, making my whole body quiver. I tear my eyes away, afraid of the secrets his look might uncover.

He must have just stepped out of the shower, as he’s only wearing a white towel that’s wrapped low around his chiseled waist. Droplets of water are visible on his naked flesh, dotting his torso and shoulders, and sliding down his hard abs in slow rivulets. He looks so delicious, I want nothing more than to run my tongue over his moist skin and feel him shiver as I suck and nibble my way down his gorgeous body.

No! Stop it!I chastise myself while simultaneously cursing him for having this affect on me. I desperately reach for my anger from last night, a shield I can use to regain control over myself.

I’m an idiot for letting him get to me after the cold, harsh way he’s been treating me. I should just walk away, like he did yesterday morning, and put up an icy wall just like the one he’s wedged between us. He doesn’t deserve to have me lusting after him.

Yet no matter how hard I try, my feet refuse to work. I just turn back to stare up at him again at a loss for words, afraid that if I speak it will be to beg him to throw me to the floor and fuck me like he did the night before he shipped out. All this time, that’s all I’ve wanted. To feel him deep inside me, his thick arms holding me against his chest as we grind our naked bodies together. The warmth of him exploding inside of me, and then his heavy breath lulling me to sleep in his embrace.

Get yourself together Piper, I scream in my head, but that voice might as well be a million miles away. The way he’s looking at me now, with so much fire and wanton lust in his eyes has me spell bound. How could any woman resist him when he’s this close, with so much of his sculpted body exposed? How can I ignore it? Why should I?

Finally, I manage to speak, but the words that come out of my mouth aren’t the ones I would have expected. “I’m sorry,” my voice is barely audible, “I’m sorry I snapped at you, I didn’t—”

“No,” he interrupts, but this time I don’t mind, “it was my fault, I shouldn’t have pushed so hard.”

He pauses and I lean closer, holding my breath, eager to hear what he’s about to say.

“I’m sorry, Piper.” The gentleness with which he says my name is such a contrast to how he said it last night. It’s almost reverent, like he’s addressing a goddess. I can’t help but be drawn in, his tender demeanor tugging at me in a way I could never hope to resist. With my entire body trembling I lean closer, tilting my head back and ever so slightly parting my lips. I nearly moan just from the anticipation of what might come next, even though in the back of my mind I’m praying with all my heart that he’s not just teasing me.

With each second that passes my fear grows stronger, and I’m convinced that he must be playing some sort of game. Just when I’m about to pull away, feeling like a complete moron, Matthew’s big, strong arms wrap around me, squeezing me and holding me tightly against his bare, wet chest.

For a brief second I think I might die from the intense surge of sensation that rocks my body. I can feel his stiff cock pressing into my belly and I eagerly rub myself against it, reveling in just how good it feels against me. I know how much better it will feel inside of me.

Matthew’s voice is barely more than a whisper as he softly confesses, “I can’t stand the thought of someone hurting you Piper…”

He doesn’t give me a chance to respond. His mouth captures my lips in a hot, crushing kiss that’s overflowing with years of pent up passion. His warm tongue pushes inside, licking and exploring the wet cavern of my mouth. Heat washes upward from my core, making me shudder and release an involuntary moan of delight. In an instant I’ve banished the last few weeks from my mind entirely and surrendered completely to the frenzy of lust burning between my thighs. I know without a doubt that this is the kiss we should have shared when he first came home, the kiss that should have erased the cold and lonely years apart. But I don’t care that it’s late, all I care about is that we’re sharing it now.
