Page 3 of Dylan

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“Fuck.” I drag my hands over my face. “Give me her information. I’ll have to hire her directly.”

“We can’t do that. It’s a violation of the contract with the agency. Maybe we can contact them and fix it, but they’re closed for the weekend.”

“Still, I refuse to let Ms. Dean suffer for that mistake. I will contact her and at least let her know it’s my fault. I won’t tell you again to give me her information.” She quickly writes it down, and I call the number on the file as I storm out of her office.

A moment later, a shaky voice answers, “Hello?”

“Harley, this is Dylan Hunter. I wanted to speak with you about your job. Please come back.”

“I can’t show my face in there again. I’m mortified, hurt, and…”

“Where are you?” I question, needing to see her again.

“I’m waiting for the bus.”

I’m already taking the stairs two at a time and out the lobby. I’m grateful that HR is on the third floor because I made it down before she could get away.

“Come back to the entrance, and I’ll be waiting for you. I’m taking you home, and we can talk.”

“What’s there to talk about, Mr. Hunter?”

“Dylan.” I want to hear her say my name, and as I stare at her profile from a few feet away, I want to watch it come off her lips.

“Mr. Hunter, I’m not the office whore. I’m not going to sleep with you too, if that’s what you think.” I snatch the phone from her hand and spin her around.

“Too?” I want to rip his balls off and stuff them down his throat. She’s mine. No, she can’t be mine. I don’t deserve someone like her.

“I mean, that’s what I was being fired for. Having sex with someone, and I wasn’t even told who it was.”

“Mr. Majors,” I snarl, disgust filling my blood. The thought of him even putting his hands on her makes my stomach flip. He said that he spent the night with the temp, but I’m hoping that Stone was telling the truth and that he was just lying.

“Jimmy? Yuck.” Harley gags on his name.

“You know him?” I have to ask.

“Yes, he’s my cousin.”

“Your cousin? How come we never met?”

“Because I’m a lot younger than him, and we don’t get along.”

“Come on; I’ll give you a ride home.” She shakes her head, sending strands of hair across her pretty face, and I want to brush them away but I’m already on thin ice with her. Besides, I can’t trust myself not to stop.

“No, thank you. I’ve had enough of Hunter Industries.”

“I’m sorry about earlier. It was a mix-up. He said he was banging the temp, and you’re the only temp.”

“Eww. He’s a natural liar.” Her face scrunches, and she shivers in disgust. Seeing the bus approach, I forget my trepidation as I take her hand and lead her to the back of my vehicle. As I let go of her hand, the regret is strong, but it’s for the best.

“I’m taking you home, Ms. Dean.” She doesn’t fight me this time, so I give my driver the address.

“You have my address?”

“Yes, I got it from HR so I could make sure I corrected this matter. I’m sorry that you were fired by mistake.”

“And you told the temp agency that I’m the office slut. I’ll never get another job around here unless I plan on working at a strip club. It’s looking to be my only option to pay for my student loans.”

“The hell you’re going to do that.” There is no way I’d allow her to take off her clothes for anyone else. The thought pisses me off to even consider it. Although, I’d love to see her dance for me. The idea has so much merit that my dick hardens painfully even though I try to fight it off.
