Page 34 of Dylan

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“According to him, there’s no ring on this finger.”

“I’ll remedy that right now,” I growl. I grab her hand and pull her to my side.

“What?” she gasps.

“I’ve asked you to marry me, but the circumstances forced me to hold off on getting the one thing that made sure everyone knew that you were mine. Enough waiting.” I slide the four-carat stone on her slender finger.


“Yes, my sweet Harley?”

“It’s gorgeous and way too much. You didn’t…” I press my hand to her lips, silencing her.

“I would have gotten you a larger ring, but I didn’t want to hurt your hand with something so damn heavy. You have slender fingers, my beauty.” I kiss her ring finger and then her lips. “Marry me tonight.”

“Yes, Dylan.”


I stand in front of the officiant in the Vegas chapel, waiting for Harley to come out from the back where she’s getting ready with her cousin. It’s one of the nicer spots, and thankfully I was able to get many of the Riders and my uncle to show up for the last-minute ceremony since they were already in town.

It’s amazing what you can do in a rush with a lot of money and some phone calls.

“Congratulations, Dylan. You got lucky with that one. I wouldn’t have given you the time of day, looking like that old ugly bastard,” Blade said, gesturing to Boss. I’m about two seconds away from beating Blade’s ass, if he hadn’t helped me out with the badass weapon that I used to deal with Tim. He even gave me some tips that helped with my technique.

“Don’t you dare call my man ugly, little boy,” Esperanza hisses. “And you leave my nephew alone too. He’s so handsome.” She kisses my cheek. “Congratulations, Dylan. You’re marrying a doll, and I’m so glad we’re family.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time,” the chapel planner says after rushing into the room.

“Thank you,” I say. It’s about time.

My heart races as I wait for my woman to reach my side. All my life I’ve avoided women and yet, here I am, anticipating the love of my entire being to meet me at the altar. “Calm down, Dylan,” Uncle Liam says, clapping his palm over my shoulder.

“Do I look out of control?”

“You look like you’re about to run.”

“I’m not running anywhere. I’m ready to drag her out here and get her tied to me as soon as humanly possible.” The doors to the room open and our eyes all focus on the entrance. My chest beats wildly hard against my breastbone as my gaze lands on Harley.

I head in her direction, but I’m held back by my uncle. “She’s almost here. Let them get the pictures in.”

She smiles at me and shakes her head as I reach her. “Are you ready to marry me, Mr. Hunter?”

“So damn ready.” I cup her cheek, brushing my thumb over her chin and stealing a kiss.

“Um…you’re skipping a step,” Blade calls out.

“We better get this show on the road before he beats the hell out of Blade,” Roxie says.

The officiant begins our ceremony and before long, he pronounces us husband and wife. “I love you, Harley Hunter.”

“I love you, Mr. Hunter. Now kiss me and let’s say goodbye to our guests so you can claim your new wife.”

Chapter Sixteen


“Hello, Mother.” Her eyes shoot wide open, and her mouth falls. The years of Botox can’t hide the sudden aging in her face from her lies revealed. The terror etched on her expression almost makes me laugh if not for the decades of pain behind the truth.
