Page 23 of Gio

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“But you know who I’m talking about.”

“Well, duh, since you asses took the phone Vivian gave me and the only person I called was him.”

“Yes, calling another man.”

“You sound ridiculous.”

“Do I?”

“Yes. Now, you should probably shower. Looks like you’ve been working.”

“That’s the blood from the fucker who gave you the phone. Next is the chef.”

“Don’t hurt him.”

“Why? Wish you married him instead?”

“Are you serious? He is old enough to be my dad.”

“Why didn’t you say that before?”

“Because you were being ridiculous and besides, I thought you big jackass mob guys did your research first.”

“I have to shower.”

I feel like an asshole and a big pussy, so I hit the shower without another word to her. She shakes her head and then continues getting ready.

Once the evidence is cleaned off my body and the shame tamped down, I step out into our bedroom and get dressed. She’s already there waiting on the chair with her book in hand. I’m not sure what it’s about, but Vivian let her borrow it.

“What the fuck are you reading?”

“None of your business. Look, I should have taken the help I got when I first escaped.”

“How did you escape, anyway?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Yes, I do.”

“My future husband’s men helped me.” I’m on her in a heartbeat. I pin her to the bed, cupping her pussy.

“What the fuck did you say?” I grunt against her throat.

“I meant that he was supposed to be my husband,” she stammers, fighting off a moan.

“No, the fuck he wasn’t. He’s nothing to you. I’m your husband. End of fucking story.”

“Prove it. You hate my father so much that you hate me. I don’t know why you bothered marrying me. I could be—” I cut off her words with my mouth.

Our kiss is brutal and rough. I slam my tongue inside, clashing with hers. “You want to fuck around and use that mouth like a bad girl? I’m going to punish you for talking about belonging to another man.”

I straddle her body and unbuckle my pants, lowering my zipper to whip out my large cock that aches to go into her heated mouth. “Open up, Wife. You’re going to prove that you’re mine.”

She parts her lips to argue, and I stuff my dick between them. “Suck it.” She closes her mouth around it and does as I demand. “Fuck, yes. What a good wife. Those pretty lips are doing a good job. Show me why I shouldn’t kill that fucking bastard.” She takes me deeper, struggling to breathe, but I don’t let up because she needs her punishment.

Fuck, I’m on the verge of coming, and Cupcake is only growing bolder, cupping my ass, pumping my hips to get my dick deeper. I pull out because I want to be in that tight pussy.

“What’s wrong?”
