Page 104 of Jagged Edges

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“What things?” I raise an eyebrow.

“When you thought I would have killed Zeke, because it was ‘business’,” he throws up his fingers making air quotes as he talks.


“The thing is, I never wanted this business. It’s just all I knew. We had actually already been discussing things for a couple of months, but what you said was just the icing on the cake.”

“I don’t understand.”

Travis sighs, running one hand through his hair, “We crunched numbers, took stock of where we have ownership and did some evaluating. I wasn’t sure at first if we could do it, but now I’m certain.”

Raising an eyebrow, I just wait. He’s really drawing this out and Spencer just sits beside him with the cheesiest fucking smile like she knows some sort of secret.

“We’re going legit, Riot.”

My jaw immediately drops and I have to physically push it back up with my hand. There’s no way I just heard that right. It has to be some sort of dream, and if it’s not? I’m filled with so many damn questions, I don’t even know where to begin.

“Are you gonna say something?” Spencer grins.

“I… What? Are you? How?”

“Well,” he shrugs, “Between Afterlife, the new club, Spencer having ownership of Rico’s, and the commercial properties, we don’t need to run drugs. We have more than enough income to support everyone… legally. I never wanted this life, kid. I don’t think you did either. I want you on full time managing Afterlife, and Zeke is free to stay or go, but I’d love him to stay and run security for us. No more hacking.”

I’m at a complete loss for words. Is it possible that the orphaned teen who was thrown into a world he wasn’t ready for and forced to become a man far too young, can really have everything he ever dreamt of?

Is it possible after all these years, that I just get to explore being happy? I finally get to leave behind all the things that have slowly eaten away pieces of my soul?

“Kid, what do ya say?”

A huge grin crosses my face, and I couldn’t hold it back if I tried. “Fuck yes!” I answer as I fling myself onto the couch between Travis and Spencer, wrapping my arms around them both.

The news is better than anything I could have ever imagined, and now all I want to do is speed home and tell the men I love.

Bursting through the front door of my apartment, I rush through the living room and fling open the door to my bedroom, only to find Zeke and Cole in my bed, both very naked. I pause for a moment, completely stunned, and while I’m not 100% certain what happened here, I’m pretty sure I know, and it fills me with so much goddamn joy.

“I’m going to circle back to whatever happened here, but first… I have news.”

“What is it?” Zeke asks.

“The Brotherhood is going legit,” I grin from ear to ear and wait for a response.

“Serious?” Cole chimes in.

“Deathly so,” I flop onto the bed between them, feeling like I’m walking on air. “With the legitimate businesses, we don’t need the drug trade anymore. Travis is pulling us out.”

“That’s amazing!” Cole beams as he grabs my shirt and pulls me in for a kiss.

“It is,” I pull away, reluctantly breaking the kiss, “but we can talk more about that later. Does someone want to tell me what happened here?” I cock my eyebrow and motion between the two of them.

Zeke smirks and shoots Cole a look. Cole shoots Zeke a look back, and I was completely unaware that we were at that place where they were sharing their own looks, but apparently we are, and it makes me absolutely giddy.

“I think he feels left out,” Cole sighs.

“I think so too,” Zeke agrees. “Cole… do you trust me?”

“With everything,” Cole answers, and now I’m really fucking intrigued.

What the hell happened here?

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