Page 107 of Jagged Edges

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We started this thing because I insisted that Cole was our light in the dark. The glue that would keep us together. But after everything we’ve been through, I see it now. We’ve each endured our own versions of hell, which left us damaged so deeply that fragments of ourselves were chipped away. Each of us with only imperfect, worn, jagged edges remaining. The thing about those edges though? As imperfect as they are, our edges fit together with one another perfectly.

It’s like the universe built us three parts of one whole, and I’ll never have it any other way.

Cole's Epilogue

6 Months Later

Gripping the aerosol can in one hand, I finish the last swipe across the wall before dropping the can next to my feet. As I pull the bandana down off of my face, leaving it draped around my neck, I take several steps back and admire the finished piece that I started what feels like a lifetime ago.

When I spray painted the backdrop of the city on my wall, I knew it was the start of something special. Something just for us, but I wasn’t sure yet how I wanted to represent us all. All I knew is I needed to capture us as we were when our paths all intertwined. Something that reflected who we were when everything began.

The paint brush trails a swirl of paint across the skyline, and the shiny Glock lies across the trail, shooting smoke into the sky. Brought together by the gleaming tattoo machine, connecting our pieces. Smiling, I pull a joint and lighter from my pocket, bringing it to my lips. As I ignite the paper, I suck in a breath, feeling the calm wash over me.

I still have nightmares sometimes about everything that happened, but Riot simply loves me harder, softly taking control so I can breathe, while Zeke and I take turns chasing each other’s demons away. We also keep our own places, but from the day of the shooting on out, Riot’s place became our place.

Life has changed so drastically from the day I met Spencer’s green-haired, blue-eyed friend, and I wouldn’t change any of it. Not one moment. Not even the painful ones, because everything we endured brought us to this place where we simply cannot exist without one another, three parts of a whole.

My studio door grinds along the track as it’s slid open, and I whip around, quickly running to block the entrance. I asked Riot and Zeke to meet me here, but they’re early. I wanted to show them what I’ve been working on, and I wanted it to be a surprise.

“Whoa,” I start, as I grip the edge of the door, stopping it in its tracks.

Zeke’s deep blue eyes meet mine, and the corners of his lips curve into that beautiful smile I’ve grown to love so deeply. “Gonna let us in, boy toy?”

“Come on, lover,” Riot pouts, from behind Zeke. “You said there was a surprise. You’re killing me!”

“Fine, fine, but I need you both to close your eyes.”

They each make a big show about closing their eyes, and I chew on my bottom lip nervously as I slide the door open further, allowing them entry into my space. Grasping each of their hands in my own, I walk backward, leading them to the center of the open room.

“Alright,” I sigh, “It’s not perfect, but it’s… I dunno, just open your eyes.”

Zeke and Riot flick their eyelids open simultaneously and I watch, holding my breath as they each gaze across the paint-covered brick. Neither of them say a word, as their eyes widen and they turn their heads to face each other.

“I know no one else is ever really gonna see it because it’s my studio space at this point, but I just… yeah…”

Smiling at each other, they turn their gaze to me. “It’s amazing, lover,” Riot beams.

“Fucking beautiful… is it… for us?”

I nod my head sheepishly, feeling open and vulnerable. They’ve both seen my art, but never in this way. Never the pieces that I do for myself. The pieces where I pour my soul into the medium, bringing physical form to all the emotions I have difficulty saying out loud.

“You know,” Riot starts as he steps into me, slipping one arm around my waist. “We had a surprise today too.”

“You do?”

“Mmmhmm,” he leans in, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck, placing one single kiss on my collarbone.

“We do,” Zeke steps up beside him, slipping his arm around my other side, holding me close. “We did something for you.”

“Wait, really?” I ask, taking a step backward, pulling myself from their grasp, so I can see the looks on their faces.

“Wanna tell him, baby boy?” Zeke grins, shoving his hands into his pockets.

The corners of Riot’s lips travel up his face, curving into the biggest, brightest smile I’ve ever seen him give, and he’s smiling at me. I’m not sure what they have in store, but it makes me nervous in the best way.

“The studio is yours.”

“Yeah, I know, I just paid the re-”
