Page 15 of Jagged Edges

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Baby Boy: Rico’s in an hour?

Rocking forward and sitting up straight, I twist and crack my spine before responding. Feeling overwhelmingly incompetent, and no closer to answers now than I was last night, I decide I need to focus on my Brotherhood assignments before I have Travis banging on the doors to my shop.

Me: See you then.

Pocketing my phone, I push off the couch and trudge from the office, down the short hallway and to the steps. In desperate need of a shower, I yank my shirt over my head and make my way to the small studio apartment upstairs that I’ve lived in for nearly 10 years now.

Chapter six


“So what ya drinking tonight?”

“Just a beer, sweetness,” I respond, curving one side of my lips into a lopsided grin.

“You and that damn nickname,” she laughs as she twists off the cap and slides the bottle over to me.

Catching it in one hand, I bring it to my lips, immediately taking a sip. Spencer Maddox started off as merely a job. Travis demanded I be around her when he couldn’t be, for her own protection, but she quickly became someone I can’t live without. My person. My platonic soulmate. She and I are bonded through and through.

“So what’s up?”

“What do you mean?”

“The look on your face, that’s what I mean,” she laughs, waving her hand around in the air as she motions toward my face.



“Nothing,” I shrug.

“Yeah, like I believe that. So where’s Zeke?”

“He should have been here by now, I don’t know,” I shrug, retrieving my phone from my pocket and pulling up my text messages. Tapping the screen, I shoot Zeke a message.

Me: Hey, where are you?

Mere moments after I send the text, Zeke rushes up behind me.

“Sorry, I got a little tied up,” his warm breath feathers across the back of my neck as he wraps his arms around me from behind and he brushes his lips against my skin.

“Mmhmm, I bet you look good all tied up and helpless,” I smirk.

“Keep running that mouth baby boy, and I’ll have to stuff it so full you can’t speak,” he growls in my ear. The vibrations travel right to my cock and as I flick my eyes up, I can tell by Spencer’s bright red cheeks that she heard every word he said. In attempts to hide my grin, I quickly bring the bottle of beer to my lips, taking another drink.

“Get a fucking room,” she gripes, rolling her eyes as she slides a bottle of beer to Zeke.

He catches the bottle as he perches himself on the stool next to me. Taking a sip, he reaches out with his opposite hand, and grips the seat of my stool. Dragging it loudly across the floor, he pulls me toward him until our thighs are touching. As he faces me, he grips my chin, and bores his deep blue eyes into mine.

Despite the fact that it’s nearly winter, it’s getting increasingly fucking hot in here and I’m certain my pale skin is blushing everywhere. He gives me a lazy smile and I vaguely hear Spencer saying something in the background, but honestly, when Zeke looks at me, it’s like everything else gets quiet and fades into the background. He commands every shred of my attention, and I hand it over without hesitation.

Taking another sip of his beer, he rubs his thumb across my bottom lip and goosebumps spread across my entire body. Setting the bottle down, he leans forward, his lips lightly skimming mine.

“My place tonight?”

Holding my breath, I nod slightly, inhaling the intoxicating scent of the beer that lingers on his lips.

“Good boy,” he whispers, never going in for the kill. Just grazing his lips against mine, making me fucking ache to be consumed by him.
