Page 63 of Spies Like Me

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Not only that, but I was also stunned when she played along that first time in my office. I considered just letting her fuck me, but that would have been unethical, so I whispered to her who I was. I saw the brief disappointment in her eyes, and I felt like banging on my chest like Tarzan because she was attracted to me, but she just rolled with it and produced such a great performance that I came in my pants just from her grinding on top of me.

I throw her down on the bed and stare at her as she glares at me. I can see she’s fuming. The towel is barely covering the interesting parts, and I can’t get the thought of the clit ring out of my mind. I just want to lean down and take it into my mouth and give it a good tug. Pain and pleasure are such close companions, and I know how to ride the line perfectly.

“What the fuck, Mac?” I demand, and she scrambles around, getting up on her knees. The towel falls to the bed, exposing her gorgeous breasts with mouthwateringly pink nipples to my view.

She puts her hands on her hips. “What, Maxwell? What is your fucking problem?” She doesn’t back down, and I feel a thrill from the challenge.

When she defiantly dropped that towel, proving to me that I, in fact, did not get a say in her choices, it was like a match to gasoline. Something inside of me lit on fire, and I saw red. It wasn’t because she was naked, and it wasn’t because she was swimming that way with my teammate—I was actually thrilled that she and Dayton had sorted out their differences—it was because she wasn’t buckling under my demands, and she stood up for herself. Our team needs someone who can do that, someone who won’t wilt under the pressure we will put on them when we demand that she be shared between us. It’s the only way this will work.

“Just because I fucked you doesn’t mean you own me,” she says again, and I sigh, sitting down on the bed before pulling her into my lap. She tumbles, a yelp of surprise escaping her, and her arms circle my neck to steady herself.

“No, I know, and believe me, I am beyond thrilled that you and Dayton are friends.”

She cocks her head to the side, not embarrassed at all about being naked in my lap. I run my hand up and down her thigh soothingly, my fingertips brushing against the round globes of her ass that I itch to make a pretty red with my palm again.

“I’m sorry, I was just surprised, and it’s been one hell of a day,” I murmur, “and I took my frustration out on you. I didn’t want the first time we had sex to be something that will be used as jacking off material for a group of disgusting men.”

Her frown changes into a brilliant smile, and she smacks a kiss against my lips, startling me. “Yeah, but it was pretty fucking amazing sex, and I bet they are so fucking jealous of you right now.” Her response and change in attitude has me blinking and practically suffering from whiplash.

“That’s it?” I ask, and she shrugs.

“Yeah. I mean, I get it. Missions fuck with my head too, and we all need to blow off steam. If you need to yell at me occasionally, that’s fine, as long as you’re willing to listen to my side of whatever your problem is. I also hear that hate sex is pretty awesome, not to mention makeup sex.”

With that statement, the little minx slides off my lap and heads over to my drawers. Pulling open the top one, she rummages around before pulling out a pair of my boxer briefs. She bends over and pulls them up, and I get a mouthwatering view of the pussy I got to taste this morning. I need to get my mouth on it again, but we really need to talk about everything that has happened with the case since we last saw her.

She pulls open the next drawer and rifles through it, obviously not finding what she wants, so she closes it and pulls the next one open. “You know, I think you should be pulling for your brother to become a member of the club as well. Tell them he’s interested in Miller. That way we’ll get two chances at being kidnapped, not just me.”

Out of the third drawer, she pulls out one of my old MITHOS T-shirts. Smiling with pleasure, she tugs it over her head, and her delectable body is now covered from head to toe in my clothing. My cock throbs inside my pants, and as much as I would like to strip them off her, I get a huge rush out of seeing my clothes on her too.

“Does this house have a basement?” she asks randomly, and I nod, frowning.

“Yeah, it does. Why?”

“Maybe you can ask around about getting it renovated. Maybe as another bedroom with bars and locks on the doors to make it known that you are both serious about wanting a pet. Hopefully they will have their next auction soon. It’s been a while since the last group went missing, and we have no idea if they are still here in the country or if they were auctioned off and sent wherever.”

“Lathan has found proof of the temporary auction site, but there are no results, and it doesn’t become active until a day before the auction,” I explain. “That’s when they put up their product range, so to speak. He’s monitoring it twenty-four seven, but so far there has been no movement.”

“I think their next move will be inviting you to the club. I’m dying to poke around Life Lounge to see if we can find evidence of it.”

“Anders hasn’t found anything yet, but there are cameras everywhere, and Matthew barely ever leaves. Hopefully between the two of you, you can find something.” I stand up and hold out a hand.

“Come on, Lathan has something he wants us to see, and we need to do it before Bishop returns.”

She allows me to guide her back downstairs. “What was the outcome of the rest of the meeting?” she asks me, unable to hide her curiosity, and I detect a hint of concern as well. I don’t blame her, since she was the one who was threatened by that asshole.

“Your father made a promise to Bishop that if he could keep his shit together for the rest of this assignment, then he would give him a trial run as a ghost operative.” I feel her hand tighten in mine, and when I look back at her, she’s scowling. “You don’t like that idea?”

“There are only four of us for a reason, and Bishop is the exact opposite of us. He has an arrogant chip on his shoulder, can’t work well with others, and is most definitely not a team player. Even with our ghost status, we still rely on a team of anonymous people to help us with our duties. We also follow instructions and look out for one another. The ghosts are a tight-knit family. We give each other the support a team gives one another, even if it’s from the other side of the world. I could call any one of them, and they’d be here if I needed them. There is no way I would ever trust Bishop, and the rest of them are going to ask me about him, and I won’t lie. I can’t believe Dad is giving in to him.”

I stop on the stairs and turn around to face her. She stops a step above me, and it puts her at the perfect height for me to nuzzle her breasts if I wanted to. “I’m not sure if your dad will follow through. I think it was a ploy to get him to keep his head down for the rest of the mission.”

She shrugs and looks doubtful. “Yeah, but short of retiring him permanently, what other options does Dad have? Bishop is a loose cannon, and I have no idea how he even made it through the psych eval, let alone the physical with that glass jaw. Dad’s going to have to go back and look at his evaluator and follow up on any other agents that person approved to make sure he’s the only liability to slip through the cracks.”

“We will keep an eye on him, I promise. In fact, that’s why we’re here. Lathan got some footage of them in the locker room after I kicked him out of my class, and Billy followed him out with a bullshit excuse.”

“Alright, let’s go and see what Nerdy Sexy has for us, but I’m not ruling out popping Bishop if he becomes problematic,” she warns me as I spin around.

The guys and I actually discussed that this morning after Bishop left before I followed him. We have all come around to Mac’s way of thinking. It was just a shock to hear her say it out loud last night, but she is right, and he is way too much of a loose cannon. We just have to bide our time by feeding his ego, and hopefully the promise of ghost status and all the perks that come with it will satisfy him for now.
