Page 44 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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Nova entered the small team break room where Reese and her fellow demons-who-hunt-demons liked to congregate. His gorgeous sandy-brown locks were brushed back away from his eyes, and he was dressed in nothing but name-brand clothes. His Gucci dress shoes gleamed and clacked uniquely over the tile floor.

When our eyes met, nothing but heat passed between us, and it didn’t take me long to get to my feet, ready to follow him into his office where I was sure to be stripped within seconds of the door closing. Incidentally, Nova had a thing for doing the hot-and-heavy in his office with prying ears nearby. And because I wasn’t fussy about where we did it, I never bothered to complain.

Since the night we killed Rift and I’d cried shamelessly into his chest, something between us had changed. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I relied on him more without really meaning to. I trusted him to take care of me, and I even bent a little to his will whenever he found a reason to command me. Don’t ask me why because hell if I fucking knew. It was like being possessed by something you couldn’t control.

Of course, I also had plenty reason to do whatever felt good. Every time I shut my eyes or was given a moment to truly ponder, I drowned in the guilt and regret that I’d gotten everyone around me killed.

But as I attempted to take the first step towards my sultry demon fuck buddy, the world bled away to a stormy sky and expanse of street I didn’t immediately recognize. Nova stood in front of me, dressed in the same suit I’d seen him wearing in the office. His eyes beamed green as a loud clap of thunder shook the ground beneath our feet.

“Little bird…”

I slid my hands up the sleek, expensive fabric suit-jacket he wore, not wasting any time. “Fancy an illusion fuck today, do we?”

Nova’s large hands curled around mine, stopping their ascent. “As much as the idea appeals to me, I’ve brought you here for other reasons. Our conversation is safe here.”

I tried not to let the disappointment show on my face, but I quickly took a step back and fixed my posture. “Did you find one?”

Closing the space between us, Nova cradled my jaw and bent his head down, letting his lips tease over mine. “I did, but there’s another thing you must know before we leave to find her.”

I reached up and took hold of his wrists, punishing him with a little spiteful squeeze. “Hey asshole, you just told me that’s not what we’re here for, so don’t kiss me.”

Nova forced my head up and nibbled along the column of my neck. “I’m regretting having said so. Humor me for a moment.”

Eyes fluttering, I fought to stay in control. “What’s so secret that you have to take me to this godforsaken place just to talk about it, Nova?”

There was a reason Nova didn’t trust talking openly about it, and I refused to be distracted now that I knew his purpose for bringing me here.

Nova’s teeth scraped across my jugular, and his low growl was smothered by the sound in the sky a second later. “I’ve changed my mind. I’ll have you first before I say a word.”

“You’re such a dick—” I groaned in protest, but his hand was already lifting my shirt and sneaking under my bra.

With my nipple pinched between his fingers, Nova walked me back to a nearby wall and fitted his thick thigh between my legs. The fallen angel’s mouth moved over mine desperately, as if he worried I’d flee. He pressed one arm against the wall, pinning me to it, and then used the other one to undo my shorts. Capturing my gaze for a half beat, an emotion I didn’t recognize ignited his eyes. But before I could ask about it, Nova went to his knees and yanked down my shorts with him.

I opened my mouth, but he’d already ripped through my fishnets and underwear. Something about the way Nova rushed to touch me in this place felt unusual for him, but his next few words even more so.

“If only I could keep you here for all eternity, I wouldn’t have to worry about losing you,” the fallen angel whispered before he sunk his face between my legs and every one of my thoughts were swept away with his talented tongue’s attention.

I let my head drop back and hit the wall, enjoying the pleasure of his mouth as Nova licked and sucked between my thighs.

He was a true master of my pleasure; the fallen angel knew every spot that made me crazy and desperate for him. His humming voice encouraged me to voice my appreciation, and I always did. It didn’t matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t control my voice here. And I’d slowly come to terms with how easy to please I’d become these days. I’d never get used to how pleasure felt in this space—both a physical and mental experience that really fucked with my head.

Edging me was sort of the demon’s thing, and it always made me impatient and close to punishing him with my bat once out of the illusion so I could send a much-needed message to the bastard. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t yearn for the teasing way Nova toyed with my body.

As his tongue swept over my clit and his fingers drove into me, I could nearly taste my orgasm and tensed up. Before I could fall over the edge, Nova stood up and lifted my leg.

“You are such a fucking tease,” I complained, but Nova merely smirked and worked his pants open. “I hate you so much,” I added spitefully.

Nova’s glistening green eyes landed on mine, clearly enjoying himself. “Oh, I seriously doubt that, little bird.”

I wasn’t given time to respond before he drove into me, fingers sinking painfully into the flesh of my hips to drag them down onto his. My arms immediately found their way around the insufferable bastard’s shoulders, and I groaned an appreciative sound.

Nova took hold of my head, fingers tangled inside my pink hair, and the demon kissed me so hard I tasted blood in my mouth. Then he slammed into me again, hitting all the right places and giving me every reason to moan the perfect bastard’s name.

We may have started out standing, but I was quickly on the ground, cement eating into my back with Nova thrusting into me without a moment’s pause. Flashes of lightning and trembles of thunder drowned out most of my cries. But the dancing illumination shed light on Nova’s strong body, tensing, constricting, and moving almost in slow motion as the fallen angel drove his cock into me over and over again. It was arguably one of the most beautiful sights I’d ever seen.

Absently, I traced the mark on Nova’s pectoral, watching intently as the demon’s expression and rhythm faltered the second I teased it with my nails. The red beam of his eyes met mine and he took hold of my wayward hand before kissing my open palm, as if to silently chastise me.

I’d never admit how much my heart raced over something so simple and straightforward, but I’d be stupid to think I could hide anything from Nova. He saw it all, and his gently lifted lips and pointed stare were plenty evidence of that.
