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“Take a seat,” Carl instructs, cutting the niceties off as he eyes his son with the same look of disappointment he always seems to wear when it comes to Dalton. Similar in looks, Carl is a sixty-five year old version of Dalton, except where his son has a smattering of silver streaks in his auburn hair, Carl is a self-proclaimed silver fox with a gaggle of women he likes to rotate on a regular basis. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

“So what’s up?” I ask, not keen on partaking in small talk myself. The sooner I’m back home with Lia, Toby, and Daisy, the better.

“As you all know, Robert’s wedding is coming up soon, and he’s asked whether he can use the hotel for the wedding and reception party, and a place for all his guests to stay. Of course, I’ve agreed,” Carl explains.

“Okay,” I say, not actually knowing this was happening until just now. I guess my involvement with the families only extends to when they need hired muscle. “So what do you need me for?”

“Security. We have a number of high profile guests, including Counsellor John Hoxton and his wife Elodie.”

“Fuck!” Benedict mutters, his jaw gritting.

“Isn’t that your ex, Ben?” Dalton asks, a smirk playing around his lips.

“Shut the fuck up, Dalton,” Benedict growls, his normally bright countenance dimming with anger. Pretty sure she’s the only woman he ever loved. Fucked him up good and proper when he found out she left him to marry that old bastard. Benedict fell hard for her, and she walked away from him like he didn’t matter.

“I need a security detail arranged around the clock to cover the few days leading up to the wedding as our guests arrive, during the ceremony and celebrations, and until the last guests have left,” Robert adds. “At least a week's worth.”

Next to him Sterling rolls his eyes. “You’re not marrying royalty, Robert. Isn’t this overkill?”

Robert bristles. “There'll be a lot of wealthy people in attendance, and you know as well as I, son,” he adds with contempt, “That there is always a target on the wealthy. Plus, we are having the whole event covered by select media outlets.”

“So your fiance’s wealthy then? Not that I know, given I haven’t even met her yet,” Sterling bites back.

“She’s high profile, that is why I’ve not introduced you. Besides, you’ve not been around. I haven’t had an opportunity to do so.”

“I’ve been with Mum, someone had to look out for her after you replaced her because she no longer met your unattainable standards,” Sterling sneers.

“Now listen–” Robert grinds out.

“I’ll get started on the arrangements as soon as possible,” I say, cutting in, because as much as I’d enjoy watching Sterling give his dad a hard time, I’ve got better shit to do. “What date is the wedding?”

“New Year’s Eve,” Robert replies.

“So you’re making Drix work over New Year’s?” Sterling shakes his head, giving me an apologetic look. “I’m sure, like the rest of us, he’s got better things to do.”

“It is a huge social event. What better way to celebrate my marriage than on New Year’s Eve. Everyone wants to attend,” the egotistical bastard replies. “Besides, Drix won’t be required to work the whole day of the wedding. He will be present at the marriage vows and reception representing Hubert now that he’s the head of the Hammer family.”

A role I neither want nor need. Of course I don’t express that thought out loud. Instead I say, “I’ll need a list of the guests' names, details of the wedding arrangements, which media establishments are attending, and any plans you have for entertainment. I’ll handle the rest.”

Carl nods. “Good. Robert will get those details sent to you asap.”

“If that’s all?” I ask, pushing up from the table.

“That’s not all. Sit!” Carl demands.

I remain standing.

Walter chuckles. “Good lad,” he says, winking at me. Beside him Ben smirks.

“What is it?”

“I want you to pay Fraser a visit.”

“Fraser? Why would I need to visit that cocksucker? He’s just some two-bit thief.”

“Exactly. He’s a ticking time bomb. I need him in line,” Carl says.

“He also needs to understand that this isn’t an opportunity to steal from any of our guests,” Robert adds. “The only reason either of us haven’t sent you to deal with him already is because his parents are respected members of our community. But our patience is wearing thin. One more wrong move and it won’t be just a chat you’ll be having with him. Do I make myself clear?”
