Page 104 of Tangled Innocence

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“Bee…” I venture. “Are you okay?”

She flashes me a sardonic thumbs up. “Great,” she says with a mouth full of food. “It was a ggreagtnfucnfeindnight.”

“What was that?”

She swallows and starts over. “It was a great night.”

I try to smile. Was her lipstick always smudged as if she was just kissing someone? “Yeah? Where’d you go?”

“New club downtown. Hellscape—so corny, right? Fucking amaaazing DJ, though. Hey, you got anything to drink?” I pass her my glass of water and she downs it in one gulp. “Fuck, nectar of the gods, am I right?” She doesn’t wait for me to answer or agree. “She was playing all these sick beats and she was stupid hot. I’m talking curvy, sexy, tatted-up, with a smile like straight crack cocaine.” She purses her lips. “You know, she kind of reminded me of you.”

I point a finger at myself. “Me?”

Bee chuckles before unleashing a very unladylike burp. “Oops.” She giggles some more. “Yeah, you,” she says as she boops me on the nose. “She looked a lot like you. Same eyes. Same green.”

“You got to see her up close then.”

She gives me a salacious little wink. “Oh, I got up close alright.”

What the hell is that supposed to mean? It sounds like she’s implying that she got it on with the DJ. The female DJ. Which is weird, considering she’s currently engaged to a man.

Not just any man, either. The manliest man out there.

Nothing is making sense right now. Unless of course I’m still dreaming and the Haagen-Dazs is nothing but a figment of my imagination.

“You should have been there, Wrenny!” she sighs, picking at the crumbs on her legs. “It was unreal.”

I shrug and point to my belly. “Unfortunately, this little guy keeps me hostage most of the time. And when he’s chill, your fiancé’s not.”

Bee grimaces. “Yeah, I know that feeling. A hostage in your own life. It blows.” She blinks and the brightness in her eyes drains away without warning. “But sometimes, it’s necessary…”

I frown. “What’s necessary?”

“This,” she says, throwing her arm over the living room like I’m supposed to know what the hell she’s referring to. “All this.”

She looks so out of it that I’m starting to get concerned. “Bee, how about I help you into bed? How does that sound?”

She wags her eyebrows at me. “Mm-mm. Is that a proposition? Are you prop-pop-sitioning me?”

“Okay, now, you’re slurring. Definitely time to get you into bed.” I get to my feet and offer her both my hands.

She stares up at me blankly for a moment. “Where are we going?”

In my experience, there are two types of drunks. There are the ones who drink to have a good time and then there are the ones who drink to numb themselves.

Right now, Bee’s giving me strong Type B vibes.

“To your bedroom,” I say firmly. “Take my hands.” She slaps her palms against mine and I pull her forward until she’s upright. “Lean on me if you have to.” We stumble through the penthouse until we get to Bee’s room. It isn’t until we’re right at her door that I realize Dmitri might be in there sleeping. “Uh, go on. I’ll wait out here.”

Before I can stop her, she’s shoved open the door carelessly, causing it to crash loudly against the supporting wall. “Shit,” I hiss. “Quietly, Bee!”

She just laughs. “Oh, don’t be such a worrier. It’s fine.”

She doesn’t remove her arm from around my shoulders, so I’m forced to walk into the room with her. It’s very clearly empty, though. In fact, the bed’s neatly made. Dmitri must still be in his office. Or maybe he’s out as well, getting wasted and maybe-or-maybe-not seducing beautiful DJs with dazzling smiles. For a couple who seem to have such good vibes together, they spend a lot of time apart.

I sit Bee down at the edge of her bed and she teeters in place. Her eyes finally manage to focus on me and she tries to lift her hand but it drops as though it’s too heavy for her to carry.

“You’re so pretty,” she mumbles.
