Page 9 of Nailed Right

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Finley smiles, her hand finding mine. “That's so sweet. Amber's lucky to have you.”

I shrug as warmth spreads through my chest. “Being a single dad has taught me what's truly important. It's not about climbing the career ladder or impressing anyone. It's about being present for the people you love and making the most of every moment with them.”

After a moment of silence, Finley asks. “So, it's over between you and your wife?”

I nod, meeting her gaze. “Almost. I hired a PI to track her down and serve the divorce papers. It'll be a relief to get the formalities over with and get it finalized.”

Finley asks more questions about my family and custody arrangement as we continue our game. I open up to her like I haven't with anyone else.

Her genuine interest and compassion are a balm to my battered heart.

Finley smiles. “Amber seems like an amazing kid.”

“She is,” I agree, my chest swelling with pride. “It's been tough on her, but she's resilient.”

As we continue playing, the mood lightens. Finley and I fall into an easy banter, cracking jokes and exchanging playful taunts. At one point, Finley lines up a shot, but her form is off.

I step behind her, placing my hands on her hips to adjust her stance. “Try it like this.”

Finley leans into me, a mischievous glint in her eye. “Quite the hands-on instructor, aren't you?”

I chuckle, my hands lingering longer than necessary. “What can I say? I believe in a thorough lesson.”

She turns her head, our faces inches apart. “I bet you do.”

The air between us crackles with tension as a delicious anticipation builds. I'm suddenly very aware of every place our bodies are touching and the heat of her skin through the thin fabric of her dress.

The charged moment lingers between us, and I suddenly have an idea.

I clear my throat.

“What do you say we get out of here? I know a spot along the river that's beautiful at night.”

Finley's eyes sparkle with intrigue. “Lead the way.”

We turn in our bowling shoes and head out into the night. The cool breeze is refreshing after the stuffy bowling alley. I guide Finley to my truck, opening the passenger door for her.

As we drive, the conversation flows easily. Finley tells me about her latest baking experiments, and I share some of Amber's recent antics.

It’s natural, as if we've known each other for years instead of weeks.

I guide the truck down a narrow path until we reach a secluded cove. The river stretches out before us, the moonlight dancing on the lazy ripples.

I pull into a small parking lot near the riverfront and grab a blanket from the back of my truck.

Finley looks at me curiously. “Always prepared, huh?”

I grin. “You never know when you might need an impromptu picnic.”

We walk along the riverbank until we find a secluded cove. The water laps gently at the shore, and the stars twinkle overhead.

It's like a scene from a movie. We settle on the blanket, the sounds of the river, and the distant chirp of crickets.

Finley leans back on her elbows, taking in the serene view. “It's gorgeous.”

“Yeah, it is,” I agree, but I'm not looking at the stars. I'm looking at her. “I discovered it a while back. It's my little slice of peace.”

I produce a thermos of hot chocolate and two mugs from my trusty picnic basket. Finley accepts a mug.
