Page 43 of Marco

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"I said it's over. You can quit pretending to care about any of us. It won't make me like you more, and it won't help Marco wrestle the company away from me."

"I'm not pretending! I never was!"

He walks away with the phone to his ear. "Hello? What's going on?"

A chill runs down my spine and I shiver as I stand there with Derek a few feet away.

Derek stands straighter, like he's been slapped. At first I tense up because I'm sure it's bad news. Then he glances at me with a wicked smile. "Yes, okay. I'll head there now. Bye."

This is it, I think to myself sadly.Derek's won control of the company. All hope for Marco is gone.

He looms in front of me like a specter of death. "You look awful," he notes.

I narrow my eyes. "Marco would be a better person to lead your family's business. He's kind, and honest, and willing to sacrifice himself to help any of you."

"You think that's what matters?" Derek's lip curls upward. "It's not about your pathetic concept of sainthood. To keep our family's legacy takes ruthlessness."

"Well, then I guess you're the man for the job," I mutter.

He flinches; then he turns away. Without looking back he says, "Come along for the ride."

I startle at the offer. "Why would you bring me along?"

"I'm not being kind, get that out of your thick skull. I just don't trust you alone on my boat."

Puffing my chest up in annoyance, I debate staying where I am. But it's dark. Cold. And the idea of Marco having to face losing everything he fought for without me there to comfort him is too much.

I follow Derek to the dock, the pair of us crossing the pavement to a lone matte-gray Mazda.

Derek unlocks the door and slides into the driver's seat. I take a deep breath, my heart racing as Derek ignites the engine and starts driving towards the hospital.

It's quiet. Derek grips the wheel while his eyes remain fixed on the road ahead. I'm battling my thoughts about Marco and Trey.He must be fine, or Heratio would have said something.

The drive seems endless despite how quickly we make it to our destination. As we pull into the hospital parking lot, Derek shoots me a small smirk. "Are you as excited as I am?"

I recoil in my seat. "This isn't exciting, it's sad."

"Potato, potah-to." He cuts the engine, exiting the car. I wait a moment before doing the same. I'm dreading this coming encounter. Does Marco know what's about to happen? Did they all discuss it before calling Derek?

God, if Marco is caught off guard, he'll fall apart.

The sign near the front door readsOspedale.It's a tall building, rounded in places, colored like an acorn. It's not as big as the hospitals I'm used to in Los Angeles. But when we enter, it has a comfortable vibe and I feel the same immense pressure to keep my voice soft. I guess no matter where you go in the world, hospitals are the same.

A young woman in light blue scrubs sees us. She motions for us to come to the front desk. When I get there she asks, "Come ti chiami?"

One of the few phrases I know. "Fillia Graceland." I take out my passport to show her.

She lifts her eyebrows, smiling curiously. "American? Who are you here to see?"

"Trey Dembrook, that man's brother." I jerk my thumb at Derek. Instead of joining us, he makes a beeline for the hallway to our right.

"Mi scusi, signore?" the woman calls.

"Derek, wait up!" I argue.

He keeps going. I'm afraid I'll lose sight of him, so I give the woman an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I have to go!"
