Page 37 of Tempting Reese

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“Papers were fakes. Franks called a little while ago. He is still working on some things, but from what he says, your father and your grandfather have nothing. He thinks they wanted to scare Reese into paying them the money.”

“Fuckers,” Mav fumed.

“Yeah, they are but don’t let your mom hear you say that,” Cash grinned at the relief on Mav’s face. “Alright, Kid, what did you get for dinner?”

“You cook?”

“I have to eat, don’t I?”

“You aren’t like your dad, are you?”

“And you aren’t like yours. If you ever turn into him, I will kick your ass,” Cash promised.

“I didn’t know he cleaned us out that bad when he left. I knew he took most of it but not like that.”

“You wanna talk about it?” Cash asked, rummaging through the bags.

“Nope. He is nothing more than a sperm donor.”

“Okay, Kid. Let’s go make some burgers. Maybe by the time we are done, Reese will be awake.”

“Was she drooling?”


“She will be out for a while.”

Cash threw his head back laughing. “She will skin you alive for telling anyone else she drools.”

“I think Pappy’s girlfriend is staying for dinner,” Mav said, unpacking the bags.

“Any chance there is a grill stashed somewhere?”


“We will get one after work sometime this week. Burgers need to be grilled. What are we having with the burgers?”

“I got the cheese mom uses to make the mac and cheese I like. She makes some kind of sauce on the stove and puts the noodles in then bakes it.”

“She got a recipe?”

“She never has a recipe for the really good stuff,” Mav told him as they moved around the kitchen to put things away.

“Damn. We can wing it. How bad can it be? Cheese and noodles, right?”

“Cash, did you have to go to school to be a mechanic?”

“Yeah, Kid. I had to learn to use the diagnostic equipment for the newer models. Why?”

“Just wondering.”

“Why?” Cash asked again. The resemblance between mother and son was uncanny at times. Getting out what was on their mind was like pulling teeth. “You want to work in a garage?”

“I don’t know, maybe.”

“Kid, spit it out. What’s on your mind?”

“I need to find a job so I can start helping Mom with the bills. She shouldn’t have to struggle so hard just because my sperm donor took off with everything,” Mav replied.
