Page 102 of Brutal King

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“Sign, Rossi, or watch your sweet Maisy bleed out in front of you.” He presses the knife against her throat, and she lets out a squeal.

My blood boils as a line of crimson streaks across her neck, and the beast within surges to the surface.

“I’m going to fucking rip your cock off and shove it down your throat, Qian.”

“But will it be worth it if she’s dead?” He runs his nose across Maisy’s temple, and crimson creeps into the edges of my vision.

“The only one who’s going to be dead is you.” I draw my revolver and the click of a dozen triggers being cocked rings out across the silence. “I’ll put this bullet through your head before your finger twitches,” I snarl.

“Are you willing to risk her life on that bet, Rossi?”

My gaze flickers to Maisy’s and indecision ravages my entire being. Her lips are clenched together, a look of pure defiance in her eyes. Dio, I love that woman. But I’m petrified of losing her, of being a fraction of a second too slow. A trickle of sweat dribbles down my spine. I never doubt, never falter, but now everything is different.

A shot rings out from behind my back, freezing the blood in my veins. The entire scene moves in slow motion. A bullet whirs over my head and sinks into Qian’s skull. He drops the knife, and Maisy squirms out of his hold.

“No, but I am.” A familiar thick accented voice jerks me from the haze an instant before the warehouse explodes into chaos.

A hailstorm of bullets rains out across the dim chamber, and I sprint toward Maisy. She runs toward me and slips in a pool of Qian’s blood. I lunge just in time to catch her and clutch her trembling form against my own. “I got you, little fox.”

A sob wrenches free, and she sinks into my embrace. “Nico…”

A tremor races through my body as I hold her tight, blanketing her against the pelting bullets. “I’m here. I told you I would always come for you, baby. You’re safe now. I’ll never let anyone near you again.” I press a quick kiss to her forehead before I pull her low to the ground, shielding her with my body, and head toward the door to escape the raging firestorm.

A bullet grazes my arm, and I let out a curse.

“Nico!” Her eyes bulge as they land on the blood dripping from my forearm.

“It’s fine. Just a flesh wound. We have to keep moving.” I cover her head with my good arm and urge her forward.

“What about Rose?” she cries as I pull her toward the exit.

“She’s fine. Who do you think called Dante?” I tick my head at the blonde standing by the door with a slew of Kings’ bodyguards surrounding her.

My new sister-in-law is a force to be reckoned with. She’s possibly deadlier than her own husband. To whom I now owed Maisy’s life. Fuck. That’s not a position I like to be in.

Dozens of Kings surround the warehouse, consuming the floundering wave of navy. With Qian dead, it won’t be long for the remaining Four Seas to surrender. A part of me is loath to leave in the middle of the action and allow the Kings to take all the credit.

Also, I’m pissed as hell that Dante ended Qian’s life so quickly. I wanted that fucker to pay for his blatant disrespect.

“Can we get out of here?” Maisy tugs me toward the door, and it’s only then I realize I’d stopped moving. “You’re bleeding…”

Marco, Jimmy and Max are still caught up in the gunfight and my craving for violence remains unquenched. Until my gaze dips to those brilliant emerald orbs and those pouty pink lips. The thirst for revenge is slaked by that face, those eyes searing into my own. The entire city could burn, and I’d let it if it meant having my little fox at my side.

“You’re right, let’s go.” I sweep Maisy into my arms, despite the sting, and carry her the final steps to the door. Rose stands at the threshold, a satisfied smile on her lips.

“Tell your husband I’m a little irritated he stole all my fun,” I growl.

“You mean thank him for saving the day?” She shoots me a smirk in return.

“Yes, that’s exactly what he means,” Maisy interjects. “Are you okay, Rose?”

She waves a dismissive hand. “Those idiots didn’t even take away my phone. Once I got the ropes loose, I called D and he had the cavalry here before they could lay a hand on me.”

“You’re so cool.” Maisy rewards her friend with an adoring smile.

“You’re not so bad yourself, Mais.” She squeezes her hand as my arm begins to throb. “Now go on, get out of here, the Kings have this.”

I let out a grunt of disapproval. I hate the idea of someone else cleaning up my mess and dread what it will cost me. Still, I find myself muttering, “Keep an eye on my brother, will you?”

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