Page 106 of Brutal King

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“No, nothing. Everything is finally perfect.”


Marco – One Month Later

My brother is so whipped it’s embarrassing really. I watch him flitter around the penthouse trailing after Maisy like a nervous bride. A chuckle vibrates my chest as I sip my whiskey relaxing on the couch. The couch that used to be mine until I was kicked out of the apartment so Maisy could move in.


Our entire lives it has been the two of us against the world. Now he has her, and I’m kicked out like a mangy mutt. It’s a good thing I have more than a few female friends who’ve opened up their beds for me until I find a suitable new home. Living in a hotel room got tired fast.

Choosing an apartment on my own is a big commitment, one I’m not certain I’m ready to take on. Kicking my bare feet onto the coffee table, I take another long pull from the crystal tumbler, swirling the smoky, honeyed taste on my tongue.

“Get your feet off the table,” Nico growls as he darts by holding a vase filled with ruby red orchids. The entire penthouse is constantly filled with the colorful floral arrangements. So much for our bachelor pad…

Lowering my bare feet to the plush carpet, I glare up at my brother. “I don’t understand why we’re making such a big deal about this.”

Maisy scrambles over and nearly trips over my discarded shoes. If it wasn’t for Nico’s arm snaking around her waist, she would’ve ended up headfirst in the coffee table. I quickly wipe away the smirk before she notices. As much as I want to hate my brother’s girlfriend, I have to admit she’s grown on me.

She’s the type of girl you can’t help but love. I actually understand why he’s fallen so hard.

As she tugs on the hem of her dress and straightens, her gaze drops to mine. “We’re making a big deal about this because Rose is my best friend, and Dante and Luca are your brothers.”

“Half-brothers,” Nico and I interject in perfect unison.

She raises a dismissive hand. “And Luca’s return to the city should be celebrated since you’ve never officially met.”

Officially is true. My brother and I had been skulking in the shadows learning everything we could about our half-brothers for years. Even when Dante finally met Nico, he was adamant about not revealing the fact that we were twins. Our identical faces had helped us pull off many a scam when we were younger. He’d hoped to keep that little tidbit a secret until the time was right, but then Maisy ruined that plan.

Okay, so maybe I did, but still.

A sharp knock at the door has my twin and Maisy whirling toward the entryway.

“They’re here!” Maisy shouts. “Come say hi!”

“I’m not deaf.” I roll my eyes and reluctantly lower my half-empty glass to the table.

Nico clings to Maisy as he ticks his head at Giuseppe to open the door. Nothing like a slew of guards to show how much trust exists between the Valentinos and Rossi’s. I’m sure my half-siblings will have a dozen in tow.

The door swings open, and the Valentinos darken the entryway. Dante holds his wife tight against his side, while Luca remains a few steps behind with his arm around his fiancée.

The silence lingers between us for an excruciatingly long minute until Rose extricates herself from her husband’s grasp and throws her arms around Maisy.

“Thanks so much for having us!” the blonde cries out and just like that, the tension dissipates.

Rose’s bubbly nature has that effect on people. She’s spent many an afternoon with Maisy here at the penthouse before I was kicked out, and I must admit, I like her too. Peering over Dante’s broad shoulders, I catch my first glance at Stella. I don’t know much about Luca’s fiancée other than the fact that she is amazing per Rose’s vivid description. She’s an Italian beauty that’s for sure, with long raven locks, full, pouty lips and curves that go on for miles.

“Come in, everyone!” Maisy ushers the happy couples into the pristine penthouse.

I offer my half-brothers tight smiles as they pass.

Rose helps herself to a flute of champagne perched on the kitchen island, then passes out the rest to the others. We’ll need lots of alcohol for this awkward encounter to go well. Quiet murmurs echo across the space as the girls greet each other.

The four males, myself included, remain locked in a battle of deadly silence.

“Everyone, this is Stella, one of my oldest friends.” Rose pulls Luca’s fiancée into a hug. “I’ve missed her sooo much.” The dark-haired beauty returns the smile.

“I’ve missed you, too, Rose. I’ve missed everything about Manhattan really, and I’m so glad we’re finally back.”

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