Page 108 of Brutal King

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“Anyway, I did some digging and found old account statements in Papà’s stuff.”

“Bank accounts?” Nico asks.

Luca’s head dips, then he pulls out an envelope from his jacket’s inner pocket. “As it turns out, it wasn’t just letters that Papà was trying to send you.” His eyes lift to mine, then pivot to Nico. “Each of you has a bank account set up in your name. Looks like he set them up when he found out about you, around twenty years ago.” He hands Nico the envelope, and I peer over my brother’s shoulder as he opens it.

Two bank statements are enclosed, one in each of our names like my coglione half-brother said.

“Fuck,” I hiss as I stare at all the zeros. “Maybe he did love us.”

“No shit,” Dante growls.

“I don’t understand.” Nico shakes his head as he stares at the statements. “Why would he do all this?”

“Because he was a good man, coglione, just like I told you.” Another growl rumbles Dante’s chest. “I’m pretty sure I walked in on him the day he found out about you two. I didn’t realize it then, but now that I have a better idea of the timeline, it makes sense. He told me a man must take responsibility for his actions. And that’s what he did.”

“Then why didn’t our mamma tell us?” I snap, the question coming out harsher than intended.

“Who knows? Maybe she was pissed because Papà chose to be with our mother.”

“Dante…” Luca warns, low and deadly.

“What? It’s true.” He shrugs and sits back on the couch, curling his arm around his wife. “I’m not trying to be an asshole.”

Luca folds his hands and glances between my brother and me. “Look, this whole situation is fucked up, but we must find a way to deal with it. We all have people we care about, and who seem to care for each other.” His dark gaze darts between the girls. “We have enough shit to deal with without fighting each other. So if you were sincere in your offer for peace, Nico, I’m all for it.” Luca extends his hand, and I eye it warily.

An endless minute later, Nico takes it with a firm grasp. “I agree. I think we’ve all lost enough.”

Damn, love really has changed my brother.

“Good.” Dante jumps up. “If that’s settled, I’d like to get home and fuck?—”

Rose spears her husband with her elbow, and he buckles over dramatically, a smirk flashing across his face.

The sharp sound of four different cell phones ringing at the exact same instant abruptly cuts off the lighthearted moment.

Nico pulls out his phone before I can get to mine and mutters a curse.

“What’s wrong?” I bark.

“Fucking Four Seas,” Dante hisses.

The third leg of the infamous Triad has been a shitshow since Qian died. With only his sister, Jia, left as heir, the squabbling within the gang for supremacy has led to nothing but problems for us all.

“The Red Dragons want their blood,” Luca adds. “Apparently, some of Jia’s guys went rogue and took out their shipment of blow at the docks about ten minutes ago.”

“They’re out of control,” Nico interjects. “I even had a meeting with Jia last week, but she wants nothing to do with any of it.”

“Not to be sexist or whatever,” I interrupt with an appeasing smile at the ladies, “but the Four Seas needs a strong male to step up and take control of the chaos before they burn down all the Lower East Side.”

“I’m so glad you said that.” Nico tosses me a wicked grin. “Because I believe I know exactly how to fix this little dilemma.”


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