Page 31 of Brutal King

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“Oh, yeah? So you know the commissioner still hasn’t signed the final contract Mel sent over?”

My brows shoot up to my hairline. “He hasn’t?”

Marco clucks his tongue, a smug grin stretching across his face. “It’s not like you not to notice.”

“Fuck… it’s Dante, it must be.”

He shrugs, and his shoulders lift a lazy inch. “Most likely. And his damned lawyer. Our half-brother is probably trying to force Gordon to stick to their original deal.”


“You sure you don’t want me to send one of the guys to visit Dante’s new wife?”

As tempting as that sounds, Rose is Maisy’s best friend, despite their little argument a few days ago. If I have any hope of ever winning over my little fox, I must stay far away from Rose Valentino. “No,” I growl. Besides that, I have no doubt Dante would retaliate, and I’m not certain he’d respect his wife’s friendship with my Maisy. And if he came after her… my ribcage suddenly feels too tight. The idea of something happening to my little fox because of me sends my heart on a tailspin. “I mean it, Marco, stay away from Rose.”

“Fine,” he mutters. “So what’s the plan then? We can’t lose this deal. It’s the final nail in the coffin for King Industries.”

I heave out a breath and spin my chair toward Park Avenue. The King’s skyscraper juts out over the other surrounding buildings. Dio, how I wish I could burn it to the ground. My nose twitches as smoke fills my nostrils, and goose bumps ripple across my flesh. No… I’d never submit anyone to that hell.


My gaze pivots back to my brother. “I’m on it. I’ll talk to Qian Guo of the Four Seas. It’s time to test our newly wrought alliance.”

“I thought you said he was a psychopath.”

“He is. So who better to deal with Dante?”

Marco grins and slides off my desk. “Good luck.” He whirls toward the door and hitches his thumb over his shoulder. “I’m going to grab lunch with Mel. We’ll be back soon.”

“Marco, you better stop fucking our assistant.”

His eyes narrow, and a devious grin twitches at the corner of his lip. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I tick my head toward the wall we share between our offices. “At least cover her mouth next time. Her damn moans were making me hard. How am I supposed to get any fucking work done around here?”

“Will do, bro.” He turns toward the door.

“And Marco, make sure you have her sign one of those workplace relationship consent forms. The last thing we need is Melanie suing us when you inevitably move onto the next thing with a skirt.”

“I’m insulted, Nico. How do you know she’s not the one?”

“Only because you’re a complete man-whore, and I heard you fucking Laney from the reception desk two days ago.”

He mutters a curse, but that damned smile only grows wider. “I can’t help it. They just throw themselves at me.”

“Yeah, I bet.”

“You want me to grab you anything for lunch?” he asks with one hand on the door handle.

“You’re really going to eat?”

“Sure, after we fuck. The bathroom at Serafina is surprisingly roomy.”

“You’re disgusting.” Shaking my head, I roll my eyes at my brother. When we were young, I used to envy his ease with the ladies. Maybe I still do, a little.

“Is that a no, then?”

My stomach is already rumbling. With all these late-night visits to Maisy’s, I’ve forgotten to eat dinner on a few occasions, last night included. “Grab me a pizza and just make sure you wash your hands before you touch my food.”
