Page 43 of Brutal King

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A prickle of fear races up my spine as memories from last night resurface. For a moment, I had been afraid. Another thing I’d lied about. Most of the time, Nico didn’t frighten me, which clearly proves I belong in those therapy sessions, but last night, something dark had flashed across those brilliant sapphire orbs. And it had vanished nearly as quickly as it had appeared.

I stand there still staring as Nico begins to stir.


I whirl around to hide in the safety of the bathroom, but a steel grip closes around my upper arm before I can get away.

“Good morning, little fox.” That rough voice immediately escalates my pulse, and my bare feet freeze in place.

“Morning,” I mutter without looking at him. If I don’t meet his gaze, he won’t be able to see what’s lingering just below the surface, right?

“Look at me, Maisy.”

I know he’s serious when he uses my real name instead of the annoying pet one. His hold tightens around my arm, but he doesn’t force me to turn. Slowly, I pivot my gaze. The fire I find in those eyes rips the remaining air from my lungs.

“Don’t do this,” he whispers, eyes fixed to mine.

“Do what?” I can barely hold his gaze, the burning intensity making my stomach cramp. Instead, I glance down his body to the tight boxer briefs and the thick outline of his growing erection. Oh, heck.

“Try to pretend that last night didn’t happen.”

Heat flares in my lower half and rises to smother my cheeks. Like I could ever forget. “Why not?” I finally mumble.

“Because it was real, Maisy. It was more real than anything I’ve ever felt, more than the danger that constantly surrounds me, and more powerful than the secrets we guard in the depths of our hearts.”

My breath hitches as his thumb gently strokes my arm.

“And it was everything.”

My heart catapults up my throat, his confession too much after the raw intensity of last night.

“Nico…” I murmur. I don’t even know what to say so I let his name hang in the air between us. I can’t give into this, no matter how much I may want to. I can’t forget who this man is and what he’s done.

I refuse to fall for another monster. And despite the beautiful packaging, Nico is a monster. He’s never even bothered to hide it, not like Jasper.

A loud crash echoes up the stairs and jerks my attention from my spiraling thoughts. Nico is on his feet, his gun drawn, before I even turn toward the door.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head as I scan the sleek black weapon. “Where did that come from?” I squeal.

He ignores my question and drags me behind his back. “Stay behind me and don’t say a word.”

Like I could. For once in my life, I’m completely speechless, my throat tied in knots and fear strangling my lungs. It takes me a second to realize why. It’s Nico. The murderous gaze, the strained set of his jaw, the tense posture, all of that I’ve seen before, but behind it, there’s a hint of fear.

For me?

He creeps toward the stairwell, and I trail behind, practically glued to his back. His back. My mind whirls back to a few moments ago, and I search for the trace of puckered skin on his shoulder. I follow the scar down his shoulder blade where it practically disappears beneath the massive phoenix tattoo I’d been ogling at Palestra. No wonder I’d never noticed the scars before.

Nico’s hand tightens around my arm as we descend. The panic returns, drawing my thoughts away from the scar and what may have caused it. I really know nothing about this man, other than the obvious. He is a ruthless killer, completely unhinged, and a total stalker.

And I never feel safer than when he is by my side.

The front door slams closed, and I jump back, but Nico’s unyielding hold keeps me steady. He mutters a curse and quickens his pace, racing down the final few steps. I struggle to keep up as he drags me along with him.

When we finally reach the front door, Nico opens it a crack and peers out onto Riverside Drive. I rise to my tiptoes to see over his broad shoulder and can just make out a hooded figure already nearly a block away. My heart punches at my ribcage. Nico trains his gun at the fleeing intruder before a little boy and his dog emerge from a building right between the man and us. He lowers the weapon and mutters a curse in Italian.

I release the breath I’ve been holding and sag against his powerful form.

“Fuck!” he grits out.
