Page 56 of Brutal King

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I’m doing this. I can’t believe I’m fudging doing this. And oh my gosh, do I love it. I love the feel of his silky skin against my palm, I love the power that it gives me, but most of all I can’t get enough of the look of utter devastation in his eyes.

“Dio, little fox, do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?”

I barely keep the giggle from bursting free. Holy crapsicles, this is amazing. To have the great Nico Rossi coming undone in the palm of my hand is a rush like no other. After being treated like shit-zu for most of my adult life by the man that was supposed to love me unconditionally, this, this feeling is—beyond my wildest dreams.

I don’t even know what came over me when I saw him in my bed this morning. Once I’d gotten over the immediate fear, a weird sense of calm had descended over me. For the first time in as long as I could remember, I’d slept like a baby and woke up feeling like a brand new woman.

There’s no way that was Nico, right? How is it even possible?

Fuzzy images of a tanned, muscled chest and strong arms wrapping me against an unyielding form fill my mind. Not only had we slept together, but I’d also practically slept on top of him. And gosh darn it, it was the best sleep of my life.

Then when I saw the overwhelming physical proof of his desire for me, I just couldn’t stop my twitchy fingers from reaching out and—. Let’s be honest, I’d been dying to touch him since that day in the bathtub. And now, it’s happening.

Maybe I was too quick to make that stupid ultimatum about Dante.

I internally chastise myself and my lusty inner vixen. No, ending the war with Dante and his brother is what’s best for everyone. Besides, I said Nico would never have me if he didn’t give up the war. Have has a very broad interpretation, right?

Semantics, I know, but I just can’t seem to think logically with this man’s huge erection in my hand.

Nico’s hips start to pump against my palm and all spiraling musings halt. My focus is solely on his hard length and the beads of moisture glistening on his enormous head. Mother trucker, this cannot be normal. I always assumed Jasper was on the smaller end of the spectrum but without a basis for comparison my guesses were purely based on speculation and smutty romance novels, of course.

Nico is huge. Like it’s a good thing we’re never having sex huge because I’m fairly certain he’d break me.

He lets out a groan and thrusts faster. I can barely keep up with his manic pace. My fist glides up and down his length, the increasing moisture dribbling down my fingers easing the hurried tempo.

“Mmm, little fox, I’m so close. Your hand is incredible, those fingers like magic. I’m going to come faster than when I was a horny teenager.”

A totally inappropriate cackle bursts out as I imagine a young Nico fondling himself in a dark closet.

A feral grin flashes across the sharp planes of his jaw. “You laugh now but wait until my warm cum spurts across those pouty little lips.”

I gasp, which only broadens that mischievous smile. His dirty words go straight to my lower half, and now I’m aching for his wicked tongue. Nope, not happening again. Clenching my thighs together, I attempt to extinguish the building flames as Nico reaches the point of combustion.

I’m not sure how I can tell as I’ve never seen the man on the precipice of an orgasm, but there’s something about the softening of his jaw, the slight crinkle at the corners of his eyes and the flash of excitement in his darkening sapphire eyes.

“Get ready,” he rasps out.

“Ready for what?” What does he expect me to do with it?

“Give me your nightgown.”

“No!” I screech.

“I’m going to come all over this bed in a second if you don’t. Unless you’d prefer to use your mouth?” A sinful smirk has his eyes sparkling with mirth. “Because trust me, little fox, there’s nothing I’d like better than that pretty little mouth wrapped around my cock.”

“What about the sheet?” I reach for the silky material.

“The housekeeper isn’t back until tomorrow and this is the only clean set.”

Somehow, I’m pretty sure he’s a big fat liar. Still, caught up in the heat of the moment, I rip the nightie over my head with one hand, toss it at him, and my breasts tumble free. Nico’s eyes zero in on my peaked nipples and with one last pump, he throws his head back and the orgasm rips free. “Oh, fuck, Maisy…” His eyes practically roll back in his head before he sags against me, his arm encircling my very naked body. Tossing my nightie on the floor, he presses his forehead to mine and rests his hands on my thighs. My nipples graze the hard contours of his chest, sending sparks of electricity through my veins.

His thumbs are only inches away from my throbbing center. Oh, fudge do I want him to touch me there. Like so bad! His warm breath ghosts across my face, his lips only a heartbeat away.

Nico’s forehead rests against my own, a glimmer of sweat on his brow. I press my mouth into a thin line to keep from capturing those lips. One kiss and I’d be done for. Despite my ultimatum, after seeing this tiny break in Nico’s defenses and having him on his knees for me, I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out.

The feeling is completely and utterly addictive. Just one taste and now I’m certain it’ll never be enough.
