Page 87 of Brutal King

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Perhaps, he is just getting in from an all-night bender. The elevator doors glide open, and the pungent odor of smoke assaults my nostrils. Flames dance across my subconscious and searing pain streaks across my back. My hand juts out, instinctively searching for something to hold on to. I find the rough stone wall and cling on for a moment as the darkness threatens to consume my vision.

Breathe, dammit, coglione.

You’re not a kid anymore, and it’s just smoke. There’s no fire anymore.

Squeezing my eyes closed, I fight through the PTSD, the crushing weight on my lungs. I don’t even register the ding of the elevator behind me until a firm hand settles on my shoulder.

“You okay, bro?” Marco’s voice jerks me from the downward spiral.

I cant my head back to find my twin in an old t-shirt and pajama pants. His short hair sticks up at odd angles and sleep crusts his eyes. Of course, he came running when he heard about the fire. He knows it’s the only thing that can bring me to my knees.

Except for Maisy, now.

Breathing through the panic, I force the darkness away and focus on the warmth spreading through my chest at my brother’s appearance. Marco can be a dick, but he’s my brother.

“I’m okay,” I finally manage and peel my hand away from the wall.

“You ready to talk to the cops?” He ticks his head at the uniform-clad officers running around the garage like ants.

I nod and start to walk toward them with Marco at my side. From the looks of it, nearly a dozen cars were destroyed before the firemen got the blaze under control. Three were mine.

“Damn, it’s a good thing I left my car at Mel’s last night.” Marco smirks because he just can’t help bragging when he gets laid.

“How many times have I told you not to fuck my assistant?”

His smile only grows wider. “I can’t help myself when our assistant throws herself at me.”

“I find it hard to believe that every woman throws herself at you.”

“What can I say I’m blessed.”

I shake my head. My brother is a complete man-whore, but it’s about time to put an end to that for everyone’s good.

By the time I reach the cops, I’ve got my head on straight and I’m able to answer all their questions. If I didn’t want to disembowel Jasper myself, I would have told them exactly who set fire to my cars, but the truth is that I want the pleasure myself.

Once the police and firemen leave, I grab Marco and usher him to the elevator. Jasper isn’t the only story he needs to be caught up on. As soon we start the ascent, I turn to my brother. “I need you to watch Maisy while I go after that fucker.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?”

My head whips back and forth. “I need you with Maisy. You’re the only one I trust with her life now that I know Jasper’s after her.”

He nods slowly. “You’re really in love with her, huh?”

A stupid grin stretches my lips as I think about my little fox. “I am. And the craziest part is that she loves me too.”

“Who would’ve ever thought?” He smirks as he leans back against the elevator wall.

“Maybe it’s time for you to settle down too.”

“No fucking way. I’m never getting married. Love is for the weak.” His grin grows wider. “No offense, of course.”

“Of course.”

The doors glide open, and I practically sprint out the elevator to see Maisy. When I walk into the penthouse first to make sure she’s decent, I find her standing in the kitchen trying to reach for a mug from the upper cabinet.

Her bright green eyes dart to mine. “Is everything okay?”

“For now.” I tick my head back over my shoulder. “Marco is here. Is it okay if he comes in?”
