Page 85 of Lovin' on Red

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Vi shivered. Not because the room was chilly.

His thumb trailed down her cheek. “You’re still sitting too far away.” He pushed the table away. Bending forward, he hauled her into his arms.

Tucked into his side, she felt his warmth seeping through the hospital gown.

“Better?” His deep voice husked.

Vi snuggled deeper and nodded, still afraid to voice the stream of feelings flowing through her.

He shifted to face her. “Talk to me. Are you okay?”

She touched a red scratch on his forehead. “I’m getting there.” A deep breath escaped. Telling him would help. “Do you remember when we first talked about remodeling the house? You said I needed to trust you.”

Rory’s white teeth flashed between his mustache and beard. “Mm. What I remember is you keeping your distance as if I was the Biggest Baddest Wolf ever.”

“Your reputation as a flirt preceded you.”

His eyes widened with innocence. “All before I met you. Go back to the part where I told you to trust me.” He emphasized the word.

A smile tugged at her lips. “Yeah, well, even with the termite issue, your actions showed how serious you were about my best interests. It didn’t take long before I trusted you with all the house decisions. You stayed upfront about the cost, even when you knew I’d buck. Every step of the way, you made sure I was satisfied and happy.”

She traced a finger along his jawline. “Somewhere between granite and spreadsheets, my heart began to trust you too. With my past. The things I never wanted anyone to know, you handled with grace.”

Rory stilled, listening.

“The heart part took longer. When yesterday happened, once I got past the initial shock, I couldn’t reconcile the land grab and the text with the Rory I knew. It’s why I came this morning—to make sure you were the same man I fell in love with.”

Rory tipped her chin up, his eyes moist and red. “Thank you for telling me. My own fear tunneled into the red zone when you didn’t answer my calls or texts. I was worried sick you’d decided I no longer fit in your world.”

Joy streamed into every nook and cranny of her heart. “Never going to happen.”

His mouth hovered inches from hers. “Let me kiss you.”

Vi shied away. “The fire. Your lungs …”

Holding her closer, Rory’s breath warmed her face. “Nothing’s wrong with my lips.”

Her mouth twisted to one side. “If you weren’t so downright adorable?—”

When his mouth brushed hers, she closed her eyes, and the anguish of yesterday evaporated. His kiss gently erased her doubts and fear, and assured her of his love. The transparency flowed both ways, healing their bruised emotions. Suppressed longing burst forth, and Vi’s insides blazed with passion.

Her arms tightened around his waist.

Finally, Rory broke away. Breathing hard, he whispered. “Marry me, Red. I want all of you. All your kisses.” He nuzzled her loose hair.

Her arms moved to his neck. Marry her? Her brain threatened to shut down. His beard tickled her cheek, making her pulse race.

“Say it, Red. I need to hear the words.” He held her slightly apart from him, his gaze holding hers with aching tenderness.

“Yes, I’ll marry you.” When Rory’s eyes squeezed shut in relief, Vi giggled and kissed his nose. When his lips touched hers again, a loud “ahem” broke into their private world. Befuddled, Vi stared at a man in a white coat and a woman in scrubs. Their eyes twinkled.

The doctor stepped forward, lips stretching from ear to ear. “Sorry to interrupt.” He glanced at his chart. “Mr. Spence?”

When Vi made to move away, Rory’s arm locked her in place, and he laced his hand through hers. “Yes, I’m Rory Spence.” Behind the doctor, Jesse and Brenna stood in the doorway. “And this beautiful woman—” He squeezed her shoulder affectionately. “—Is the future Mrs. Spence.”

Jesse, large coffee cup in hand, shouted hoorah loud enough for the entire floor to hear, and Brenna danced in the hallway. The doctor and nurse beamed.

Vi smiled up at her handsome, future husband clad in a hospital gown, of all things. Rory kissed the top of her head and whispered for her ears only, “I’m going to spend the rest of my life lovin’ on you, Red.”
