Page 1 of Ship Mates

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Before Boarding

Day 1: Embarkation

Day 2: At Sea

Day 3: Bermuda

Day 4: At Sea (Formal Night)

Day 5: The Bahamas

Day 6: Private Island

Day 7: Miami

Day 8: At Sea (Formal Night)

Day 9: At Sea

Day 10: Disembarkation

Post-Cruise Extension

Before Boarding

One Year Prior to Sailing


“Gwendolyn Pierce, look what you’ve done.”

When I was five, eight, fourteen, those words from that voice could have me shaking in my proverbial boots. They still could, though I’ve been careful to not earn my grandmother’s wrath in adulthood.

But today. Today the words are different. Dripping with the sweetness I associate with Gram (most of the time), her hands pressed to my cheeks, her eyes afire with excitement and pride.

Books Off Broadway looks amazing. Its vaulted ceilings are draped with paper chains, each link decorated by a local student, and handmade paper snowflakes dangle between the chains. Despite the chilly air outside, it feels like a cozy winter wonderland in here.

Cozy because it’s charming, with rich old wood and plush leather armchairs, inviting anyone to sit and browse and stay a while. The personal touches from the local community add to that magic, but I had nothing to do with that.

Books Off Broadway is also currently quite cozy because an extra seventy bodies are jammed inside. It’s possible I had something to do with that.

Mr. Charles, one of the owners, grabs a microphone and brings the temporary sound system to life with a breathy “Testing, testing, one, two, three” into the mic. “Good evening, everyone. If you can take your seats, please, we’ll get started in just a few minutes.”

Customers wander to their folding chairs, chatting over hot cocoa that may or may not be (but totally is) spiked with Irish Cream, carrying copies of my book.

My book. The words never get old. Seeing it in print is a dream come true. Seeing a few dozen women clutching it like a prized possession is incredible. Having seen that six times in the last thirty days is nothing short of miraculous.

As the last few attendees filter into their seats, Mr. Charles steps up to the microphone and introduces himself. My headshot on the easel next to him smiles back at me as I watch him talk, and I can feel my stomach flip just as it’s done at the other five events I’ve spoken at.

“So without further ado, please welcome to our little stage Ms. Gwen Dolan-Pierce!”

I smile at Gram and kiss the top of her head. “That’s my cue.”

There’s the usual applause and I introduce myself, thank Books Off Broadway and Mr. and Mrs. Charles for having me, and give a brief background of both myself and the book. Then the questions start and I forget the world around me and dive instead into the process, the characters, the creative choices along the way.

A woman, maybe Gram’s age, raises her hand and asks who inspired me to write. It’s a question I’ve gotten at each interview and speaking engagement so far, and when Gram smiles and winks at me I’m not entirely sure she didn’t feed this stranger the question earlier tonight.
