Page 79 of Over & Over

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She slaps me on the chest, then freezes. “Uh, Liam? What’s that?” Her finger lifts, pointing to the corner behind me.

I turn around and see the green light flashing.


“That’s a fucking video camera, isn’t it?”

I neither confirm nor deny because I don’t have to. The question is rhetorical. It’s here to capture recording sessions for YouTube videos or social media clips. I just didn’t realize it was on.

“Oh, my God! Where does it go to?” Her eyes are wide, filled with absolute mortification.

It’s kind of cute. And I want to fuck with her.

But I also want to keep my balls firmly attached.

“Relax, baby.” I walk to the camera, reach up, and grab the memory card from it. “It’s not a live feed camera.” I show her the card between my fingers. “All handled.”

“And what if I hadn’t noticed it was on?”

“Then you’d be a socialite with a sex tape. Oh, the horror.”

She growls, and I know I shouldn’t, but I laugh. Hard.

“It wouldn’t have gone beyond…” I trail off, realizing I’m about to make it worse.


“Well, the worst thing that could’ve happened is Angel saw it, but he won’t, so no need to worry.”

“Oh, my God.” Her hands cover her face. I don’t know what she’ll do if she ever figures out Angel has already caught us before. Another problem for another day.

I shove the memory card in my pocket and her brow lifts. “What do you plan to do with that?”

“Entertainment for later.” My brows wave at her as I grin wide. “Now, let’s go get some food. Then we’ll come back and finish the song.”


I wipe my mouth after finishing my veggie burger as Liam waves over our server for the check. “So, why was Knox checking his watch so much?”

Liam stuffs a few bills into the black folder, then stands. “I can’t tell you,” he says as he helps me with my coat. “It’s his personal business. He was reluctant to tell us, but he didn’t have a lot of options.”

Curiosity gnaws at my chest, but I keep my questions to myself. Not your business, Aliana. When we step out of the bistro a few blocks from the Sin Records’ building, a heavy gust blasts from the east. Despite my leather jacket, I shiver violently. Liam chuckles and tucks me into his side.

We walk a couple of blocks in silence as I work up the nerve to ask him a question. We’ve officially been together again for over a month, but the subject might be a bit touchy, considering last year.

“Whatever has you so quiet, just spit it out.” His deep voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

“I hate when you do that.” I frown, but it only takes a second to morph back into worry. My nose scrunches, then I suck it up, remembering I have massive lady balls. “So your birthday is in three weeks.”

“I’ll stop you right there, little flower. The answer is no.” I peek up and see him shaking his head hard. “Ain’t happening. Nope.”

“But you are only thirty-six once.” I try for the same argument as before.

“I will only be every age once. That’s why they only happen once a year. But if I never have another birthday party again, it will be too soon. Uh-uh. I’d prefer we just pretend nothing is going on that day. We can focus on Casey instead.”

I duck from under his arm and jump in front of him. His hands shoot out, grabbing my hips when I almost crash into someone. “But wouldn’t it be better to make new memories to replace those?”

We stop at our crossing and wait for the light to change. He lifts a brow as I tap my foot, waiting. “Do you think it’s that easy?”
