Page 36 of Offside Play

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“You want him to think you’re with me.” His voice is thick, making my heart pound in my chest. There’s a possessive rasp in that last word.

“Yeah.” The reply is like a squeak from my throat. “I understand if you don’t want to. It’s stupid. I shouldn’t have asked.”

He takes a step forward, annihilating the space between us. My stomach does a flip, liquid heat pooling low in my core. My body feels like it’s coated with static, everything buzzing, and the air around us feels like it would light up in flames at the slightest spark.

“Are you sure you know what you’re asking?” His voice is a rough whisper, laced with intensity.

“Yes,” I answer. But am I?

“You want me to do what I’d do if we were together.” His hand comes up and he catches a strand of my hair, tucking it behind my ear. “You want me to do what I would do if you were mine.”

Chills skitter down my spine, tension pulsing deep in my center. I nod.

“If you were mine,” Hudson begins, the way he says that word making my nipples pebble tight under my shirt, “I’d kiss you. Right now.”

He captures my chin between his index finger and thumb. My skin sizzles where his rough fingers make contact. He feels so strong, so unbelievably powerful, just those two fingers of his.

I can feel the pulse of my heavy heartbeat thrumming between my thighs. Hudson’s gaze dips to my mouth. The tip of my tongue runs across the inner seem of my lips.

“You’d better kiss me then,” I say, the words a breathy plea. The world around us has faded away, even Sean now an afterthought.

My eyes flutter closed when Hudson lifts my chin, his mouth descending on a collision course with my own.

I part my lips, inviting him. His mouth slants against mine, and suddenly it feels like I’m no longer on solid ground.

His kiss is firm, possessive. I breathe in deeply through my nose. The air is suffused with his scent, woodsy and masculine and so seductive that every muscle in my body relaxes, surrendering utterly to his touch.

He angles his head, slanting his lips over mine to deepen the kiss. His hand moves from my chin, curling his fingers around the side of my neck possessively, the rough pad of his thumb scraping the space between my jaw and my earlobe.

His touch on the sensitive area sends of wave of pleasure rippling over me. I moan into his mouth, and he swallows it with a satisfied groan. I suddenly realize that my hands are full of his shirt, that I’m gripping the fabric in front of his chest, that I can feel the hard cut of his muscles against the backs of my fingers.

He rests his free hand on my hip, his fingertips gripping me gently but firmly. A muscle tugs at the height of my thighs. I press deeper into the kiss.

He growls in response, gliding his tongue against the crease of my lips. I open to grant him access. His tongue presses into my mouth, slanting against my own and making my eyes roll back behind my closed lids.

Excitement pulses through my bloodstream. I’ve never been kissed like this. Not by Sean. Not by anyone.

This kiss is a lie. It’s fake. But nothing’s ever felt more real.

He pulls back. My chest sinks with disappointment. It feels like someone’s opened a window on a bitterly cold day and let a freezing draft into a once warm room. His right hand falls away from my hip. His left hand falls away from my neck.

I open my eyes. Hudson’s looking at me with desire written on his angular face. His gaze lifts in Sean’s direction. A shallow but unmissable smile curls on his lips, beaming with masculine pride, sending an unmistakable message to the man it’s directed at: she’s mine.

“He got the message,” Hudson says.

I blink silently, my brain still discombobulated from the most intense experience of my life. “Huh? What?”

“Your ex. He got the message. Trust me.”

His words are dripping with macho satisfaction. It’s something I would never have expected to find attractive, but boy do I ever find it attractive right now.

Instinctively, I go to turn my head in Sean’s direction; but Hudson’s fingers capture my chin again, holding my head in place.

“Don’t,” he says. “You’re not his, so don’t look at him. You’re mine. Look at me.”

My breath catches at his words.

He’s still looking in Sean’s direction.
