Page 21 of Veil of Fate

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But it’s not just that he’s hot, is it, Zora? You feel something with him, that stupid voice that must come from my heart says.

“Oh fuck you,” I grumble, then fall silent at the sound of scrambling ahead.

I creep around the next corner and press into a shadow, my eyes widening and my head cursing every fucking star.

Because there stands The Prince. He wears nothing but slacks, dress shoes, and his mask, his dark hair tousled and blood dripping off his cheek.

My heart catches at the sight of his injury, and my eyes trail his toned torso, where bruises have begun to form along his ribs.

His sister, The Princess, looks in equally bad shape, a deep wound on her bicep and her light blue dress spotted with blood. Between them is Talis, and I suck in a breath.

His face is unrecognizable, a mess of blood and swelling. He slumps between The Prince and Princess, moaning incoherently as he tries to stay conscious.

“Just keep those eyes open,” The Princess coos, running her fingers down the back of Talis’s neck.

“I have a suite not far from here,” The Prince explains and nods down the tunnel to a motel built into one of the walls, magical doors lining its length that only open for their owners. “C’mon, Tails,” he grunts, heaving his friend’s weight.

Tails?An incredibly ridiculous snort tries to escape me, but I push it back, the seriousness of this echoing through me. If Talis dies, I have no lead on my parents’ deaths or where my brother may be.

I reveal myself in an instant, crossing quickly to Talis.

“Zora?” The Prince balks as he sees me, and I swear a blush spots along his neck. He swallows and glances behind me. “Have you been following us?”

I kneel to Talis and survey his wounds. “He needs a healing potion. Do you have one?” I look up, finding The Prince bending closer beside me, his face tilted to mine, the false gray of his eyes coming alive. My breath sticks in my chest, and I can’t move. I can’t look away. And I hate that he has this power over me, but I can’t help myself as my full attention drifts to the cut on his cheek.

I reach up and touch the bottom of it lightly, swiping away blood to get a better look at it.

He leans into my touch, his breaths shallow, as if he feels it too. This strange magnetic connection between us.

The Princess clears her throat and taps her foot impatiently. “Can you two eye fuck some other time? Talis is dying.”

We both wrench away from each other, and embarrassment rolls through me as I turn back to Talis. I check his pulse, and it’s faint. Too faint.

“He needs a healing potionnow,” I insist, looking between them.

“I’ll go,” The Prince says. “Here.” He jogs over to one of the magical motel doors and places his palm against it. The door sweeps open and he shoves a chair against it to keep it from closing. “Get him to the bed. I’ll be back.” He turns away without another word and sprints down the tunnel.

The Princess and I exhale harshly as we carry Talis to the bed, dropping him in a heap of broken bones on the comforter. She rushes to a large bathroom to the left of the bed and wets a washcloth before she races back and cleans his wounds.

I fumble around drawers in search of needle and thread, needing to close the large gash on The Princess’s bicep, as she blinks repeatedly and fights off the pain.

“What are you doing?” She hisses. “Quit snooping.”

I scoff. “I’m trying to help you.”

“Well stop.”

I turn to face her, my fists balling. “You’re losing too much blood.” I glance around and spot a dress shirt draped over the back of a chair. I snatch it and cross over to her, pulling it around her arm before she can protest.

She purses her lips, but puts her focus on Talis’s wounds, sneering when I cinch the shirt tight around her arm. “Thanks,” she grumbles.

I back up and suck in a breath. “What happened to him?”

She shakes her head. “We don’t know.Hedidn’t know.”

My brow furrows. “What?”

The Princess scowls. “He doesn’t remember. They must’ve hit him hard on the head at some point. They got us pretty good too. Six different men. Maybe cronies for another Boss, but we’re not positive.”
