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“What kind of lover do you prefer: one bossy as fuck or a demanding but nurturing guide?”

Dare I admit I adored having Todd as a Daddy? She decided to shrug indifference instead.

He nodded but pushed her to be more specific. “I expect complete obedience. I’d respect your hard limits, of course, but I won’t hesitate to punish you if I feel it is needed.”

She blushed, finding herself intrigued by the idea of giving him total control. “If needed, I’d have my safewords, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“How about being gagged?”

Immediately she lost focus on reeling in the fish on her line. His question brought a visceral reaction, and a strong response. “Hell, no. I can’t wear turtleneck sweaters because they restrict my air flow.” She unconsciously fingered the collar around her neck. Strangely it hadn’t caused her to panic about not being able to breathe. She’d have to reason through that another time.

Corinne expected Jeffrey to push for more information, but he seemed to accept her reply and move forward. “Breath play is off the table. Got it. Are you open to having multiple lovers?”

The fish on her pole managed to peel off yards of line as she reacted. Swallowing hard, she decided he wanted her to admit the obvious. “I am alone with three men in an isolated camp far from civilization. Considering the contract I signed, I figure I have opened myself up to sleeping with three different men during the course of our stay.” Her legs squeezed together in an effort to stem the flow of moisture filling her panties.

With a brisk nod, he pinned her down on details. “Specifically, are you opposed being intimate with more than one man simultaneously?”



Dropping the tip of her rod and reel, Corinne almost released both into the water. Jeffrey came behind her, caging her with his huge, fit form, and helped her readjust to the task at hand. Together they worked to maneuver the fish back toward the boat. He didn’t mention the obvious, which was that he knew—all three of her bosses knew, actually— exactly what fantasies she had.

Patiently waiting for her answer, Jeffrey instructed her on how to hold the reel as he reached over to grab the net a few feet away. She was pulling the fish toward where he could scoop it up and bring it in the boat. His focus was divided now, but Corinne’s confusion cleared. “I wouldn’t rule out taking on multiple lovers at once, so long as those men realized I am not an actress in a porn flick. I wouldn’t forge pleasure, and if things got boring or complicated, I would call it quits without hesitation.”

It was strange to see Jeffrey flustered. The former quarterback and successful businessman rarely allowed anyone to see him anything less than cool, calm, and collected. Corinne rushed behind him, grasping at the metal handle of the fishing net, which was sinking under the weight of a large redfish. Jeffrey had inadvertently let go as he listened to her answer.

Together they managed to save both the net and the fish, working as a team. Untangling the hooked, slippery creature from the threads took time and patience. As she watched Master Jeffrey work, Corinne decided this proud, arrogant man was someone she actually respected and trusted. He would push her, testing every limit she set, but respect her right to say no. Safe in that knowledge, she allowed herself to relax and exchange playful banter, enjoying the rest of the afternoon.

The only time Corinne found herself feeling uncomfortable was when another boat motor sounded off in the distance. The vessel approached from the south, and their private paradise was interrupted. Her face turned red, thinking of all the intimate things the two of them had shared with each other all day.

Two muscular men with auburn beards and matching hair motored right up to them. Jeffrey had noticed their approach long before her, and Corinne watched him adjust a rifle near the rear of the vessel. The weapon was just out of view, but easily accessible. She hadn’t even noticed it before. The telling sign had her on high alert instantly. His warning not to make eye contact with either man and to keep her eyes focused on him, had her terrified.

“Are we in danger, Master Jeffrey?” she asked in a low voice. The title had become increasingly more natural for her as the fishing trip progressed. Now it slipped between her lips without hesitation.

“I will protect you always, Corinne-girl. Anybody threatening you would have to get through me first. Now lock your eyes on me and remain quiet. Let me do all the talking.”

“Howdy, friend,” one of the men called out as they got within a few feet.

“PJ,” she heard Jeffrey acknowledge one man, then the other, “Darrel.”

“Having any luck?” the first of the two asked.

“That a woman you have with you?” The second man didn’t bother to wait for a courtesy reply to the first question. Corinne had to bite back a sarcastic comment about his sharp observation skills. Jeffrey’s hand barely lifted, but she understood his signal demanding she remain quiet.

“You ain’t never brought a woman out here in all the years we’ve known you and your friends,” the first man pointed out.

Jeffrey smiled, but his blue eyes were steel-cold, Corinne noted. If she had been on the receiving end of that look, she would have been terrified and looking for an exit. There was a calm, blatant expression of power and threat there. It promised swift retaliation for upsetting Jeffrey or challenging his resolve. “This isn’t just any woman, fellows. She’s my woman.”

“What’s her name?” the one he’d called PJ inquired.

“She’s a looker, mias, yeah,” noted the second.

The earlier conversation about having multiple lovers at the same time popped in Corinne’s mind and she instantly felt sick. Jeffrey must have read her expression because he set boundaries with the visitors immediately.

“I’d appreciate if you didn’t make any unexpected stops at my camp, gentlemen. You know how protective men get when they have a little lady to protect.” Her Master let his words fully register before he spoke again. “I might accidently shoot one or both of you before I realized y’all were just making a friendly visit.”

“Not going to invite us to a fish fry, then?” The first man from the other boat chuckled as the other let out a disappointed grunt.
