Page 33 of Kenton's Courage

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Master laughed, shaking his head before giving me a quick kiss. “I think you let too much escape, pup.”

Possibly…but he probably wasn’t sure which was what I wanted most.

“I like surprises.” I was too stuck to do more than lift my head and give him a quick peck, but I wasn’t going to complain about it since being trapped was very nice. “What are we going to do?”

He looked like a naughty kid who was very excited about what he’d done…and I knew he was excited about it when all it took was a smile to get him to tell me. “I thought we could have a picnic in the backyard. I could get my pup ready and we could play…what do you think?”

“Oh, a pup picnic?” Master was going to feed me? “I get to play outside?”

For some reason, he gave me another kiss and his smile got even cuter before it went back to his normal grin. “Yes, pup. We can play outside. We’ve got plenty of privacy and I had sensors put in by the start of the driveway so that it will text me if anyone pulls up.”

“So we’ll have privacy?” Really? “And I can play? Even with no clothes on?”

Master laughed. “Even with no clothes on. I checked the local laws. We’re just far enough out that it’s legal and I don’t have neighbors close enough to worry about either.”

I wasn’t sure Master even knew his neighbors, honestly.

“They’d have to come through the woods to surprise us.” Shrugging, he didn’t seem to think that was a reasonable worry. “With those sticker bushes and those berry bushes you showed me, they’d have to have a death wish to attempt that.”

Yes, we were going to have to talk about cleaning up that mess, but it was something we could put off for the time being.

We’d do that in the offseason when I could give him the friends and family discount without my mother frowning at me. She liked Bane but she wasn’t ready to give him the family discount yet. But with my collar, I wasn’t sure she could claim he wasn’t family anymore.

And she couldn’t complain because it was very subtle.

“I’m not worried about monsters coming through your forest.” I just wanted to be ravished by the prince in the castle. “If I run, will you chase me?”

Grinning wickedly, he tried to tease me and pretend to think about it. “I don’t know. You said I was getting old.”

He was so silly, I just couldn’t resist driving him crazy. I rolled my eyes and sighed, making him think I thought he was being ridiculous. “You’re not going to be old until you’re forty, Master.”




“Oh God.” Master popped up like lightning had hit his butt. “How old do you think I am?”

I managed not to laugh for two whole seconds.

I was amazing, but Master’s face said he hadn’t realized that yet.

“Brat.” Glaring so sexily, he huffed and folded his arms across his chest. “You scared the fuck out of me.”

“My friend Ian found you online after our second date. He said you were forty-two but that you looked a lot younger.” I didn’t care how old he was. He was a real grown-up and liked me and liked my jobs. I would’ve kept him even if he’d been a hundred and fifty and smelled like mothballs.

Well, as long as he’d been able to fuck me, throw a ball, and tell me how special I was.

Those were all very important.

“Most people guess I’m still in my thirties but it’s just good genes.” Looking like I’d given him a heart attack and his heart hadn’t stopped racing yet, he frowned and looked so cute I had to try not to giggle. “Don’t do that to me. You’ll give this old fart a stroke.”

Probably a heart attack, but it wasn’t nice to point out when someone was wrong.

Especially when they were being dramatic…I’d learned that dealing with Eli.

“I’m sorry, Master.” Sitting up, I gave him my cutest sad face and pouted sweetly. “I just wanted to tease you because you look so handsome and sexy.”
