Page 49 of Kenton's Courage

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“Alright, let me think while we finish getting dinner ready.” Straightening, he looked around. “Can I set the table?”

“Yes, please. Thank you.” As he moved around the kitchen, I got dinner ready and even remembered the cut-up veggies I’d put in the fridge. “There we go.”

Once everything was on the table and I was confident it didn’t look like I’d made dinner for a pack of littles, I sat down beside Master. “Do you need more time to think?”

Naked considerations were one of those things that could take a while, so I was prepared to be patient for a few more hours at least, but Master went easy on me. “No, I’ve thought about it.”

Wonderful…patience took up a lot of energy.

He took a few more seconds figuring out how to start, though, and even took a bite. “This is really good, pup. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Patient. Patient. Patient. I was very patient.

“Alright, my first conclusion is that it’s your body that’s on display, so primarily this needs to be about you since it might technically be work related.” He didn’t seem sure about that but didn’t dwell on the confusing decision. “Either way, though, it doesn’t go against any of my limits or the ones we set together, so if you’re fine with being watched, I’m fine with it as well.”

That was good to know.

But I could see his brain working on it still as he took another bite, so I tried not to wiggle as he figured out what else he wanted to say.

Because I was patient.

“I do have a question about your watchers, though. Given your profession, are you sure they aren’t taking videos or doing something…something questionable?” Master looked nervous about asking that question but I thought it was a good one.

“Eli and Preston have something on the windows to make it almost impossible to get good photos through them.” I had no idea what they’d done, but they weren’t worried about us ending up online, so it was good enough for me. “And our IT department and the marketing people assure us they’ve never run into pictures of us that look like they were taken through the windows.”

Master nodded, leaning back in his chair. “That’s good to know and takes a lot off my mind.”


He gave me a side glance that looked slightly suspicious, though. “But we’re going to go over in detail all the little things that you should’ve already told me.”


“Yes, Master.” It was going to be a long night…or maybe a long week?

Chapter 15


“They’re staring at me. I should’ve gone home to change first.” There just really hadn’t been time, though. I’d already cut it closer than I’d wanted because of a meeting that’d run late.

Kenton was a brat and giggled. “You’re sexy, Master. That suit.”

Making yummy noises as he wiggled, he was nearly bouncing he was so excited. “And you’re just sexy in general. And you’re nice to me, so everyone is very excited to meet you. And they’re all so happy for me that I get to wear my inside tail.”

That last part might’ve come out a bit too loud because several pups giggled and their Handlers were all trying not to laugh…and even though everyone was still wearing all their clothes, it was very easy to see which were inside tail pups and which were ones that were slightly shyer.

“Alright, I’ll stop worrying.” I wasn’t sure that was a promise I could keep, and based on Kenton’s grin, neither was he.

“It’s going to be wonderful, Master.” Kenton’s excitable tone as he called me Master got another round of giggles and smiles.

So far, he’d managed to come have lunch with me at work without calling me Master, but I knew it was just a matter of time before he shocked my favorite grocery store clerk or surprised my regular delivery guy from the Chinese restaurant.

“Yes, it’s going to be great.” I wasn’t sure I was a good enough photo shoot Handler to call it wonderful, but I was going to do my best. “And I can’t wait to see you in action.”

That got another beaming smile from my bouncy pup and even more giggles from the guys around us. They weren’t even pretending not to eavesdrop anymore, and I was starting to understand just how honest Kenton had been when he’d been telling me about his company culture.

I had a feeling the stories from his job were going to be much more interesting than mine.
