Page 10 of Blood Princess

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It was the hand over my mouth that woke me. With no time to resist, a cloth was forced into my mouth. Tighter, deeper, wider, filling me until it pressed to the back of my throat and I choked. I shook my head, trying to snarl, defend myself, anything. Yet the second, I moved I felt leather bonds pulling my ankles and wrists, forcing my limbs to spread, my hips and shoulders protesting at the stretch.

I was completely naked. Exposed to the warm air, the distant sound of running water merged with the soft breeze that flowed over my body. I could sense the chamber was large, but there was nothing else to tell me where I was.

The time had come. It was really happening.

They kept me trapped in that room for two days, my wounds healing slower without blood. I could tell the passing of time by the strength of the moon, each day ticking by as the power of Empusa called me.

Everything smelled of wolf and, instead of shying away from the stench like my father had told me I would, I luxuriated in it.

Now, three strong heartbeats surrounded me. One between my legs, two on either side of me.

I struggled, shaking my head, my fangs sinking into the tight fabric. There was no chance I could compel them with the gag and blindfold - all I had was my brute strength, but healing had weakened me.

“Looks like the vampire bitch is finally awake.” The sharp voice came from my left. I recognised his scent as the one who had leapt on me in the woods.

The smell of the wolf on my right, the one who had bound me in chains, that was familiar, though the one between my legs was new.

Everything was tinged red. Red light, red rage, and red lust pounding from the three wolves around me.

I had to escape. I was too close to my goal to fail now.

The black wolf from the forest pushed his fingers into my hair. I groaned as he roughly tightened his grip, forcing my head back, exposing my neck.

I should not enjoy his touch, yet the way his scent covered me sent a gorgeous rush of heat curling through my belly. Though it was not enough to distract me from my goal.

I tried to snap at him, but the gag muffled me. I had no way to pull from his grasp. The leather cords were already biting into my wrists and ankles, my feet and hands growing numb.

“Can I touch her?” The question came from the wolf between my legs. His heartbeat was erratic, fluttering, his voice filled with excitement. His scent was strong, but lighter than the other two, younger, fresher.

“Patience, pup. You’ll have your turn.” The one who shackled me spoke. I had been foolish enough to allow him to offer me water this morning. I could survive without food, but blood and water were essential. I should have been able to taste the drug within. I was asleep in minutes.

Maybe that was why I was responding to them so strongly. The drug had me reaching for them, wanting to connect to them.

I had to remain focused.

I pulled at the cords again, the sharp sting of pain bringing me back to my senses.

“Hmm, that’s it, Red. Keep struggling,” the black wolf said. His grip on my hair tightened, but this time, I refused to show how the harsh pull affected me.

This is not how I would fall. Not after years of training, of fighting my father, of losing the chance to ascend year after year as he kept me a prisoner in my own palace. He had prevented me from visiting the Grandmothers so his rule could continue.

I had not been lying to the wolf on my right when I told him my father was evil. For most of my life, I participated in his theatrics, but only to convince him of my loyalty, so he would allow me to travel to the Crimson Palace.

This was his dream. To have me ravaged, killed even. Every assassin he had sent for me died at my hands or Jasper’s blade, yet, here I was, trapped at the mercy of wolves.

My blood raced with trepidation as I continued to struggle, praying there was some way to break these bonds. I’d shatter my bones if I had to - anything I could do to free myself.

I gave a muffled yell, refusing to be cowed. Even if I escaped, the Black Forest was still infested with ghouls, witches, and other terrors, not to mention the three wolves that would pursue me.

“Enough.” The one I compelled without saying his name placed a hand on my stomach, pressing me down to still me.

And still me it did.

A flash of pleasure exploded through me at his touch, my back arching as I cried out through the gag. Rough hands seeping power through my skin, heat flowing through my veins, my blood singing as his fierce heartbeat echoed through my body.

A moan pulled from my throat, desperate, needy, like I had never been touched before - starved all my life of real contact until his skin met mine.
